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Joe Janca’s Avatar

Joe Janca

Lead Animator
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Redmond, Washington
11 Answers
10443 Reads
1 Karma

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Alex’s Avatar
Alex Feb 07, 2022 634 views

Which College has Animation classes?

So, the reason I’m asking this is because since I want to become a Cartoonist, I’m just wondering what kind of college has Animation/ Cartooning classes. #animation #college #art #cartoonist

Sunrise’s Avatar
Sunrise Aug 04, 2020 712 views

Are demo reels neciasry for all good animation colleagues

I want to confirm this question since I'm pretty sure but I want to double check #college #animation #animator

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle Jul 11, 2020 736 views

What are some tips for starting a career in animation?

What skills, knowledge, and background must I have? #animation #art #artist

Abdiel’s Avatar
Abdiel Mar 05, 2020 741 views

What softwares should I get familiar with before getting into video game design?

More specifically I want to get into modeling. #video-games #software #design #animation

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Nov 06, 2019 798 views

How should you get started as an upcoming animator?

Are there certain things new animators should be looking out for when they begin to transfer themselves into a bigger world of art?
How would one know where to begin on their journey?

#animation #art #design #graphic-design #artist

Brookelyn’s Avatar
Brookelyn Jun 27, 2018 960 views

How could I become an artist for games?

Can I create art for popular games?
#art #animation #technology

Archie’s Avatar
Archie May 17, 2018 946 views

How can I obtain more information about a career in Animation?

#animation #entrepreneurship

Archie’s Avatar
Archie May 17, 2018 786 views

What is the average salary for an Animator?

#animation #salary #graphic-design

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Jan 15, 2018 851 views

True Placement Rating for Animation

All colleges give placement ratings. Has anyone completed a degree in Animation? And how quickly did you get a job thru that school #animation #college #3d-animation #character-animation

Furqan’s Avatar
Furqan Jun 08, 2015 1832 views

How to go about becoming a computer animator?

Hello my name is Furqan I'm 16 and I'm in the 10th grade and I live in the New York area. I would like to know of some good sources to help me become a computer animator to make 3D or 2D IOS video games. Or any jobs that will help me get some help in the field. #video-games #3d-animation #ios...

Trenton’s Avatar
Trenton Nov 02, 2015 1776 views

What is a good app to use for animating?

I have been wondering what the best app for animation is #art #animation