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Rachel Weinheimer’s Avatar

Rachel Weinheimer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Amarillo, Texas
1121 Answers
867812 Reads
389 Karma


Civic Duty

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Lianna’s Avatar
Lianna Jan 16, 2018 986 views

What is a good career choice for a person with a natural ability for learning foreign languages?

In addition to excelling in English throughout high school, I also have a passion for Spanish and American Sign Language. I would love to get input from others regarding a career choice that would allow me to use this strength. #foreign-languages #language #communication #spanish...

Kathryn’s Avatar
Kathryn Aug 27, 2018 841 views

What types of jobs can you get as a Spanish Translator?

I plan on majoring in Spanish and I would like to know some of my options with this major outside of teaching. #Spanish #Jobs

Kathryn’s Avatar
Kathryn Aug 27, 2018 1620 views

What are some minors that would go well with a Spanish major?

If I were to want to translate for courts, would I have to get any specific minors? #minors #spanish #translator

Kaylee’s Avatar
Kaylee Oct 17, 2018 979 views

What is the best way to prepare for studying abroad in Spain for a full semester?

My desire to study abroad stems from wanting to learn the language of Spanish, to travel and see the sights, to re-model myself to see new approaches of lifestyles and to develop and make personal growth with lifetime memories. I might be intimidated to let go of my normal day to day routine as...

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Dec 11, 2018 942 views

What are some great programs to watch in Spanish to help improve my fluency?

I would like to know of some great shows (preferably on Netflix) that I could watch to improve my comprehension of Spanish and my fluency.

#college, #Spanish, #learning

Anjali’s Avatar
Anjali Feb 04, 2020 799 views

What's the best advice for someone studying abroad?

I am studying abroad in Madrid, Spain this semester. I would love to hear anyone's advice or opinions! Specifically, some topics that have interested me are: traveling on a budget, learning Spanish/Spanish fluency, making/keeping friends abroad, and time management. #study-abroad #college...

Jersey’s Avatar
Jersey Apr 06, 2020 1582 views

Is an associates degree in biology able to transfer into a physical therapy program at a university?

I’ll be starting at my local community college in the fall and want to make sure that I’m on the right path as to where to go after this. I plan on becoming a physical therapist and my dream would be to work with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility patients like myself, and other hypermobility...

Lorely’s Avatar
Lorely Apr 04, 2020 672 views

What major do you recommend for undergraduate college for an orthodontist?

#orthodontics #undergraduate #major #university #college-major #college #science

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina May 26, 2016 754 views

Whats the most effective scheduled for a freshman in college?

I get really nervous with change and am open to any suggestions when it comes to planing my courses. #college #courses

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 24, 2016 913 views

What is the best way to go about scheduling my courses?

How many classes should I have scheduled in a day? Should I do morning, afternoon, or evening classes? As an incoming college freshman, I want to know the best way to schedule my classes without overwhelming myself. #college #courses

Mehakpreet’s Avatar
Mehakpreet Apr 02, 2020 650 views

What are some courses you should take to be prepared for surgery?

#courses #college

David’s Avatar
David Mar 24, 2020 1264 views

My school district has shut down for an extra week in my area due to COVID-2019 which isn't a big deal. As a senior tho it is hard to think that they might cancel school. I've been hearing rumors and even seeing in some news articles the state of Texas might postpone school for the rest of the year 2019-2020. I'm worried about how that'll affect me not gonna lie. Whether colleges think I failed to what job I apply for in the future... Any tips or advice? Thanks in advanced!

#college-advice #student #college #school #uncertain #covid-19

amanda’s Avatar
amanda Mar 23, 2020 602 views

how long is the process to become a paramedic ??

#college #college-advice #student

Kris’s Avatar
Kris Mar 18, 2020 1028 views

Is taking 17 credits during one semester too much?

I am an international student who want to complete an bachelor degree major in biology. I live in Vancouver, Canada #biology #college #degree I am taking 4 academic courses in the first semester in college ( Associate of Science Degree for first 2 year) then I will transfer my credits to...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 18, 2020 1129 views

I am graduating in May but i still can't decide what college I want to go to. How did ya'll decide?

#college-selection #college-advice

princess’s Avatar
princess Mar 18, 2020 928 views

I'm expecting my admission from a particular college in the US for the fall semester, is the Virus going to affect my admission decision?

I'm a student from Nigeria who is wondering how #COVID-19 will effect me #college #university #college-admissions #college-advice #college-selection #college-bound

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Mar 18, 2020 603 views

Tips for applying to law school

Undergrad in social work with a minor in political science. The goal is to obtain my msw and attending law school later down the road. #lawyer #law-school #law-practice

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Feb 29, 2020 962 views

What’s the best angle to approach colleges if you don’t have the best GPA? SAT, Extracurriculars, or something else?

#college-admissions #college #college-advice #sat

Sohalia’s Avatar
Sohalia Feb 28, 2020 1098 views

How many IB points would you need to be able to qualify for Harvard?

#college #IB # #college-advice #college-major #grades

Nora’s Avatar
Nora Feb 27, 2020 1179 views

How much does the PSAT affect college applications?

I’m a high school sophomore who’s very excited (but also confused) about college!! #college #college-advice #high-school #PSAT

Nishk’s Avatar
Nishk Feb 26, 2020 689 views

If my intent is to go into a pre-med based college, what would my best extracurricular activities be?

#premed #extracurricular #premed #college

Nishk’s Avatar
Nishk Feb 19, 2020 666 views

My guidance counselor suggested that I take at-least 3 years of my foreign language. I am trying to go to a good pre-med college, and she told me that many want to see at-least 3 years. What is the best option for me?

I am going into 11th grade and have had trouble deciding my foreign language. I am doubling science courses and am not that good at language. I also want to continue my passion for Computer Science. #college #higher-education #guidancecounsler #pre-med #language

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Feb 07, 2020 638 views

How long will i take to study business in college ?

#college-advice #business

noni’s Avatar
noni Jan 28, 2020 736 views

what do we need to do to be prepare for a doctor?

i don't have any experience in any medical related #doctor

Berenice’s Avatar
Berenice Dec 13, 2019 683 views

What steps would you recommend I take to enter this field?

#medicine #Healthcare #Medical Assistant #hospital-and-health-care #Doctor

Sindhu ’s Avatar
Sindhu Oct 24, 2016 1352 views

Do you prefer working in a hospital or as a private practitioner?

I'm a high school student looking to go into neurology, and I've always wanted to work in a hospital. I currently volunteer at a hospital, and I want to know if working there is better than having your own private practice. #doctor #medical-school #hospital #neuroscience #neurology

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Jul 06, 2019 889 views

How mant years to study neuroscience

#medicine #neuroscience #doctor #medical-school

Maya’s Avatar
Maya May 27, 2020 7063 views

What AP courses should I take if I want to be a doctor (eventually an OB/GYN)?

I would like to know which AP courses to take so I can get ahead in my studies. #medicine #medical #doctor

Dante’s Avatar
Dante Dec 10, 2019 838 views

How can i pursue being a doctor in family medicine and what benefits does it offer? Does annual pay increase over the years? How do i start?

I would want to pursue something more in the medical field. Family medicine or a physical therapist is something i would like end up doing. I am currently a student and hoping to pursue these careers #doctor #medicine #medical

Ila’s Avatar
Ila Dec 09, 2019 898 views

If I have an unweighted GPA less than a 4.0, will it look bad to any Ivy League schools that I apply to?

Hey! I'm Ila (pronounced ee-la). This question has been something that I've been trying to find an answer to for a while. I currently have a 4.0, but my classes are pretty hard, and I can only hope to keep my 4.0 at the end of the semester. Any advice helps- thanks! #school #college...