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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1322 Answers
1151257 Reads
738 Karma


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Angel’s Avatar
Angel Jun 22, 2016 989 views

What does a normal day look like for a doctor?

Hello Strangers My name is Angel I'm interested in being a doctor. I don't like needles. i'm cool with surgeries. #doctor #medicine #pre-med #surgery

Angeles’s Avatar
Angeles May 24, 2016 1295 views

How have you reacted to the people who have told you that you don't have what it takes to become a doctor/surgeon?

I'm a high school junior who has always wanted to become someone important in the medical field. The duty to help people to the best of my ability is something I want to pursue. However, an obstacle that I've faced is the belittling of my abilities to do so. So I would like to know how certain...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison May 19, 2016 1110 views

what should I do to prepare for medical school?

is I am bad at taking tests is the MCAT going to be a disaster, and what classes/ majors are best to do in undergrad? does where you attend school for undergrad matter?
#medicine #pre-med #medical-school #surgery

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jun 18, 2016 2223 views

Is it possible for a person to take both the LSAT and the MCAT?

Both are rigorous tests and I was wondering if people have done this before. #law #pre-med #medical-school #law-school

Alberto’s Avatar
Alberto Feb 27, 2015 1465 views

What are the steps to follow to become a neurologist (college, medical school, residency, etc.)?

I want to be a neurologist or a pathologist, both of which require time and I want to know what are the steps to become one and possibly what majors will better help me fulfill my requirements to get into medical school. #college #medicine #pre-med #medical-school

juliet’s Avatar
juliet Oct 25, 2016 815 views

Of all the areas of study why pick medicine?? How much is the work load compared to other major areas?? Do you think that the effort you put in is qorht it.

The study area of medicine is really hard, and I would to know whether or not it is worth it to pick this area of study. #medicine #pre-med

SENNAM’s Avatar
SENNAM May 28, 2016 1018 views

When is it suitable to plan, implement and conduct research when entering medical school?

I am asking this question because most students planning on attending medical school find it difficult as to what is the right time to engage in a suitable research project without any form of hindrances. #medicine #pre-med

Rebekah’s Avatar
Rebekah May 13, 2016 1036 views

Would it be possible for me to get into medical school if I start out undergrad at a community college?

I was accepted to several respectable undergrad schools that I applied to, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, my family's financial situation has changed this year. If I attended my local community college (I would also be a part of their honor program, which guarantees that my credits...

Erica’s Avatar
Erica May 09, 2016 882 views

Would you recommend getting an internship during college?

I want to go into medicine and have heard its good for future jobs and possibly med school to get internships. Would you recommend getting one during the year or over summer? Or both? #medicine #pre-med

Arfa’s Avatar
Arfa Mar 26, 2018 856 views

Why do most individuals that have a pre-med track do their major in biology?

Hi, I am currently a senior in high school who will be attending college this fall semester. I aspire to become a doctor one day. I understand that I would have to be on the pre-med track in college to be considered by medical schools. I am a little confused on my major right now. I did ask a...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa May 14, 2016 1736 views

If I want to become a doctor, what are some areas I should major in?

I've always wanted to go into the medical field, but I'm not sure on what college courses I should begin taking my freshmen year. #college #college-major #pre-med

Alberto’s Avatar
Alberto Feb 27, 2015 1156 views

In what ways can I begin to prepare to join a pre-med program in college?

I'm an 11th grader who wants to know different programs or classes I should be taking to be better prepared for the process of eventually going to med-school? #college #pre-med #neuroscience

Jacqui’s Avatar
Jacqui May 06, 2014 1793 views

When I apply to medical school, do admissions look at what undergrad school I went to?

I am a sophmore in high school and I'm planning on pursing a career in the medical field. I was wondering if the undergrad school I go to is important to get into medical school? Meaning, when applying to medical school, does admissions look at if I went to a UC school or a State school and...

Ignacio’s Avatar
Ignacio Mar 04, 2014 1898 views

I haven't quite figured out what my interests are. Advice needed.

I have been looking at a wide range of possible careers, but nothing interests me. What would be the best way to develop my interest? Through more research or through first hand experience? #college #career #jobs #college-advice

Ze’s Avatar
Ze Mar 04, 2020 811 views

What's the best career decision you've ever made?

Looking to get into the health care field after my BS. #healthcare #medicine #nursing #doctor #career-counseling

Vivian’s Avatar
Vivian May 07, 2016 983 views

Is hands on experience or textbook knowledge more important?

I plan on becoming a nurse and I realize both are important, however, the universities close to me are renowned for leaning on one of two sides. Either too much textbook knowledge, or too much hands on experience. Which do you think is better? #nursing #medicine #nurse #school #career...

Vivian’s Avatar
Vivian May 04, 2016 4118 views

Are there any careers that are similar to Nursing?

I'm interested in becoming a Registered Nurse because it guarantees interaction with people but I'd like to know about other possible career paths. #career #nursing #medicine #nurse #careers

Mariana’s Avatar
Mariana Sep 18, 2019 477 views

what is something you dont like about your job?

#career #nursing

Mehakpreet’s Avatar
Mehakpreet Apr 02, 2020 470 views

What are the required technological skills that you need to be a successful neurosurgeon?

#technology #doctor

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 834 views

What is a nurse practitioner?

#medicine #college

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Sep 06, 2019 624 views

Why do people leave this field or company?

#professional #medicine #healthcare #senior #SA

Maria’s Avatar
Maria May 15, 2016 818 views

Could I have two completely different full-time jobs?

I want to major in the medical field and also agriculture. I want to attain jobs relating to those majors, but there are policies limiting more than one full-time job. #pre-med #doctorate-degree #agriculture

Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny Aug 21, 2016 1225 views

When trying to diagnose a patient, what are the step taken to actually diagnose and give the right diagnosis of the patient?

I always feel like it's difficult for a physician to diagnose a patient, because, for me, I feel that there are many steps that must be taken to properly diagnose a patient and to give or recommend them for the proper treatment #doctor #medicine #nurse #pre-med #registered-nurses #doctorate-degree

Loren ’s Avatar
Loren May 23, 2016 666 views

Are there financial aid opportunities in med school?

I am considering entering the Pre-Med program at my school, however I come a low income background and I am fearful that I will not be able to afford tuition at the graduate level.
Thanks! #doctor #medicine #pre-med #medicine-school

Blaine ’s Avatar
Blaine Feb 10, 2015 1528 views

I am interested in become either a neurosurgeon or anesthesiologist.

I am a high school senior, and am planning on being a nursing major with a focus in pre-med. Am I on a good path as of now? If so, what else can I do? Note: I am also planning on becoming an EMT, and working as one while I go to college. #college #nursing #medicine #pre-med #medicine-school...

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jun 18, 2016 987 views

Does anyone have firsthand experience or knowledge about what happens if someone does not make it into medical school?

I am interested in the medical field to become a doctor but I am aware of the low acceptance rate into medical schools. #medicine #pre-med #medicine-school

evangelina’s Avatar
evangelina Sep 12, 2019 880 views

How much schooling do you need to be a Neurologist ?

#medicine #medicine-school

Lexis’s Avatar
Lexis Sep 24, 2019 737 views

do you have any advice for someone who wants to become an anesthesiologist?

#medicine #healthcare #anesthesiologist

Lexis’s Avatar
Lexis Sep 24, 2019 538 views

What do find most enjoyable about being an anesthesiologist?

#career #anesthesiologist #medicine #healthcare

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 05, 2020 456 views

How does corona affect different specialties? Does it have a uniform impact?


Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff May 05, 2020 516 views

How to get a good residency to become a surgeon?


Tricia’s Avatar
Tricia May 14, 2020 1022 views

What should high schoolers be doing right now in order to get accepting into nursing school?

Hello, I'm an upcoming junior in high school looking to better my chances at attaining a career in #nursing .

Nichelle’s Avatar
Nichelle May 12, 2020 4723 views

What are the pros and cons of working in Medical Billing and Coding?

Hello, I am someone who is looking for a job where sitting down is ideal and less stressful than most jobs. I've heard that this type of job is ideal, but I would love to hear more hands-on experience in this line of work.

#job #medical #billing #coding #office #stress #experience #advice

Nivethitha’s Avatar
Nivethitha May 16, 2020 511 views

Is research in your undergraduate required for medical schools?


kristen’s Avatar
kristen May 11, 2020 885 views

Pros and Cons about going to med school?

Thinking about majoring in medical but want some more information before going into it. #premed

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff May 05, 2020 501 views

What is a residency for medical school?


Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 17, 2020 572 views

What brand of MCAT study book do you think is the best?

#college #medical #medical-school

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 17, 2020 680 views

Is it better to go to a lower-ranked school and get a 4.0 or a hard school?


Angela’s Avatar
Angela Feb 22, 2014 1457 views

Would someone attend pre med instead of attending a normal four year college before med school?

I am a highschool student very interested in medicine. I have been looking into the careers of radiologists, sports medicine, and physical and rehabilitation physicians. Is premed something someone typically enters right our of highschool? #college #medicine #pre-med

Srivas13NFTEBOSS’s Avatar
Srivas13NFTEBOSS Jan 19, 2012 16093 views

what are different jobs options in medical school?

Im a junior in high school i would like to know what options i can take . #medical-school

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff May 16, 2020 627 views

Will I get enough sleep in med school?

#medicine #premed

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff May 16, 2020 494 views

What if I get into med school and I decide to be a nurse?

#medicine #premed

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 17, 2020 2040 views

Will I be able to go to med school if I don't get a perfect SAT score?

#medicine #premed #medical-school

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 17, 2020 591 views

Will college teach me all the science for the MCAT?

#college #premed

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 17, 2020 698 views

Is it easier to go to medical school outside the US?

#premed #medical-school

Harry’s Avatar
Harry May 17, 2020 601 views

What careers in the medical field are possible without attending medical school?

I'm in high school hoping to go into either a health or law profession after college. I am currently undecided about which university I want to go to and what my major will be. #medicine

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff May 16, 2020 560 views

When is the best time to have a child if I want to be a doctor?

#medicine #premed

Camille’s Avatar
Camille May 20, 2016 1264 views

I want to be a clinical psychiatrist in the future. What should my steps be to achieve this goal?

I'm a senior in high school and I am intersested in becoming a clinical psychiatrist because someone inspired me and I believe in myself. #psychology #pre-med #psychiatry

Kaylynn’s Avatar
Kaylynn May 18, 2016 7520 views

What majors/minors should I pursue if I want to become a Psychiatrist?

I would like to become a psychiatrist to work with people and the brain, but also to be in the medical field. I am planning on majoring in psychology, but wondering if I should major in pre-med or neurobiology or anything like that. #pre-med #clinical-psychology #psychiatry #psychiatrists

Jian sheng’s Avatar
Jian sheng May 13, 2016 4502 views

If I want to become a psychiatrist, should I major in biology in college with the pre-med track or psychology with the pre-med track?

I want to become either a clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist. I know that to become a clinical psychologist you don't have to go to medical school but to become a psychiatrist you do have to attend medical school. Is it better for me to major in psychology or biology if I want to get into...