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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1321 Answers
1309423 Reads
738 Karma


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Robert’s Avatar
Robert Apr 23, 2020 562 views

What kind of grades do I need to get accepted to med school?

#medicine #premed

Harry’s Avatar
Harry Apr 22, 2020 734 views

What comes after medical school?

I'm in high school hoping to go into either a health or law profession after college. I am currently undecided about which university I want to go to and what my major will be. #medicine #premed #doctor

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Apr 22, 2020 1483 views

Is it possible for me to become a doctor if I'm a little clumsy and shaky?

How important is it to have steady hands to be a doctor? #medicine #premed #medical #doctor

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Apr 22, 2020 1733 views

Who does more of the work, doctors or nurses?

#medical #medicine #health #hospital-and-health-care #doctor

Harry’s Avatar
Harry Apr 22, 2020 2010 views

Does it look good having a summer job on my resume even if it is unrelated to my professional goals.

I'm in high school hoping to go into either a health or law profession after college. I am currently undecided about which university I want to go to and what my major will be. #job #resume #college

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Apr 22, 2020 650 views

What is the most realistic doctor TV show???

#medicine #premed #medical #doctor

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Apr 22, 2020 539 views

When you were in med school, what did you do for fun?

I know I have some years before I have to actually start worrying about this, but is med school all stress or is it fun too? #medicine #doctor #medical-education #college #premed

Harry’s Avatar
Harry Apr 22, 2020 831 views

What should I do this summer in order to prepare my resume for college now that many internships have been cancelled?

I'm in high school hoping to go into either a health or law profession after college. I am currently undecided about which university I want to go to and what my major will be. #resume #college

Tsion’s Avatar
Tsion Apr 22, 2020 853 views

What advice would you give to a first-year undergrad student in health sciences who wants to pursue medical school in the near future?

This advice could be in terms of school and also personal things that we should fulfill like volunteering and internships that would help me best with pursuing #healthcare #college #medical #doctor #medicine my career

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Apr 22, 2020 591 views

What is the best paying yet easiest specialty as a doctor?

#college #medical #medicine #doctor

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Apr 22, 2020 623 views

How important is recovery after a surgery?

#premed #surgery #surgery #career #college

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Apr 22, 2020 807 views

Will I have any time for video games in college/medical school?

I kind of like to play video games, but I'm worried I'll have too much work to do
#medschool #medical #college

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Apr 22, 2020 646 views

In med school, are there math classes?

#medical #doctor #college #math

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Apr 22, 2020 1034 views

Do I need to remember the things I learn in chemistry?

I'm in chemistry right now, and sometimes I don't really enjoy it. Is it important to remember this stuff for medical school, or does only the grade matter?
#college #doctor #research #medschool

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia May 12, 2020 1117 views

What is the latest you can switch majors?

#college-major #major #college