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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1321 Answers
1310495 Reads
738 Karma


Civic Duty

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Khushboo’s Avatar
Khushboo Jan 02, 2020 614 views

I am looking forward for opting forensics science as a profession. And i need guidance regarding this.

I will be completing my Masters in Biotechnology.
And i have a keen interest in studying human anatomy, physiology. #biology #forensic #science

Janelle’s Avatar
Janelle Jul 09, 2020 625 views

What is the biggest challenge you have faced working as a Forensic Science Technician?

#forensic #science #biology

Devan’s Avatar
Devan Dec 12, 2019 575 views

What fields consist electrical?


Shajuan’s Avatar
Shajuan Nov 26, 2019 894 views

What is a typical day (week) like for you?

I am seeking a career in the electrical field

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Aug 05, 2019 1374 views

Are lineman taught how to climb poles or are lifts recomended for the majority of jobs?

I'm a woman whos very interested in the electrical field, lineman work to be exact #electrical-engineering

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Jun 26, 2019 638 views

What is the Atmosphere like at the workplace?

I want to be a part of Electrical Maintenance #electrical-engineering

Jishnav’s Avatar
Jishnav Jul 09, 2020 912 views

What is the difference between electrical and electronic engineering? Which will be better for the future?

I am a 11th grade high school student who is interested in neuroscience as well as engineering. Since the body's nervous system uses a variety of electrical impulses to function, I thought what better way to combine the two principle than getting an engineering degree. Now, I am not sure...

Sebastian’s Avatar
Sebastian Jan 23, 2018 2930 views

How competitive is the chemical engineering field?

#chemical-engineering #chemical-engineer #engineering

Kenneth’s Avatar
Kenneth May 16, 2016 1132 views

When studying Chemical Engineering in a university, do you have to choose the type of job you want to have?

I was told that you can go into many different jobs, such as one that focuses on petrochemicals, or even one that focusing on testing soda products. I do not understand if you are taught how to work with all lines of work involving chemical engineering, or if you have to choose between them....

Pablo’s Avatar
Pablo May 27, 2016 1163 views

Which are the jobs chemical engineers have the most?

I am going to start studying chemical engineering at CU Boulder next fall and would like to know which are my job options for when I finish this career. #engineer #career-choice #chemical-engineering #chemical-engineer #data-engineer

Jaskaran’s Avatar
Jaskaran May 27, 2020 1173 views

How do I narrow down to a speciality in chemical engineering?

#chemical-engineer #career #engineer #engineering

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Nov 14, 2019 1405 views

What Engineering career is in demand currently?

I am interested in Engineering, but I have not chosen the type I want to go in to. I need more information on which one I want to choose. #engineering # #engineer #career

Sky’s Avatar
Sky Jul 10, 2020 3220 views

How do I convince my parents to let me be an engineer?

My name is Sky. I'm heading into 10th grade this school year and some advice on how to convince my dad to let me be an engineer would be greatly appreciated. My dad wants me to go into the medical field and be a primary doctor or a surgeon so that I'll always have a job and make lots of money....

Kaela’s Avatar
Kaela Jun 24, 2020 1303 views

What skills do you frequently see hiring managers look for that you have lacked either in the past, present, or something that you somewhat lack and are looking to improve upon?

#internship #jobseeker #career #long-run #tech #medicine # #technology #radiology #writing #science #research # #biology #journalism #nuclearmedicine

Nikolas’s Avatar
Nikolas Oct 28, 2019 1160 views

What were the steps you took to get in your position? (Please state occupation)

#information-technology #computer #computer-engineer #computer-engineering #computer-software #computer-science #computer-science