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Vishal Waghmare’s Avatar

Vishal Waghmare

NCE-Cisco Systems
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
14294 Reads
1 Karma

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manuel’s Avatar
manuel Jan 15, 2019 1853 views

how did you keep motivated and keep focus?

#studying-tips #education #school need some skills #teaching #skills #college #motivation

Ze’s Avatar
Ze Mar 04, 2020 1502 views

What three habits will improve your life?

#psychology Uoft Life sciences majoring in Biology and Psychology. #science #biology #doctor #study-abroad

Francisco’s Avatar
Francisco Feb 27, 2019 932 views

How do I know if my choices are the right ones.

#choices #life

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 14, 2016 2192 views

Is how happy you are related to how successful you are?

If you think you are happy, are you also successful? haha i don't really know what to say. I guess in my opinion I believe this isn't true because you can be happy without being successful, just content. #career #success #happy

Murtaza’s Avatar
Murtaza Apr 05, 2020 7231 views

What is your definition of failure?

I have seen people struggle in different ways based on the task or project we take up. Does that mean we all struggle in the same way? #college

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Sep 20, 2019 1852 views

Does computer networking require any further education other than the certifications?

#networking #computer #information-technology