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Dheeraj gera’s Avatar

Dheeraj gera

Network Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
13012 Reads
21 Karma

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Stanley’s Avatar
Stanley Sep 30, 2019 1512 views

What are some disadvantages of working in the computer industry?

#computer #computer-engineering #computer-science #computer-software #computer-games

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Feb 21, 2020 2940 views

What are good personal attributes and qualities to be a good candidate for the computer science field?

I'm considering going into computer science in my future, so I would love to know what qualities would be good to have to be able to make a good candidate for computer science.
#computer #computer-science #science #technology #computer-software #qualities

Milton’s Avatar
Milton Nov 27, 2019 1319 views

what is required to join a computer network architect

#computer #architect #computer-science #computer-science

Aun’s Avatar
Aun Mar 01, 2020 962 views

How Should I Start Learning about Machine Learning at the Age of 15?

I don't want to be jumping all over the place, but this is just to keep in the side of my mind as I refine my web development skills and learn the general tools that a full-stack engineer utilizes. At 15, how do you recommend I begin to take interest in machine learning? I've always found it...

Gabe’s Avatar
Gabe Apr 03, 2020 2954 views

Is it smart to get a second bachelor's degree in Information Technology?

Hi. I'm Amy - I go by Gabe. I have a bachelor's degree in political science and a master's degree in public administration . I am in the process of changing career paths into information technology and am particularly interested in moving into a cyber security role, maybe in cloud security. I...

Anjali’s Avatar
Anjali Feb 04, 2020 1248 views

How to stay healthy while abroad?

While in the states I was able to work out for free at my University's Gym. Unfortunately, there is no free gym where I am studying abroad. Should I dish out the money for a gym? Take up running? Pay for individual yoga classes? Thoughts?

#study-abroad #gym #health #college #travel #madrid #help