Jeffrey Grau
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What are the chances my career goals come true?
I’m very dedicated and hard working but I’m scared once i get into the real world the goals will become impossible to accomplish.

What makes you a good fit on this job?
#job #job-search #career-counseling #resume

Can you know more about myself?
I'm passionate about learning new things #computer #technology

How do I open up and maintain a small business?
I'm looking to open up a handcrafted firearms company focused around traditional arms such as SxS shotguns, bolt action rifles, and revolvers but nobody can give me a straight answer as to the expenses or a good starting point. I have gunsmith experience and several hundred designs along with a...

What makes a good chief good?
Of course it would be the types of meals they make but what about the chief as a person make them a good chief? Would their emotions reflect on the food they make? #business #chief #entrepreneur #culinary #cooking

I need help! I have tudied and gone to further my studies but I find myself lost with no career aspirations. I dont know what career to follow. I feel I dont know or can identify what my passion is. How can I find a career?
The jobs I have had happen to be in leadership and the opportunities kind of fell on my lap, but also they're short-lived. So I have a cv that sounds impressive,with these job titles but in reality I dont have proper experience. Now looking for work I dont know where to look. I feel lost with...

whats it like to work for a full time job
i wonder what its like to work a full time job because i never have worked a job full time #job #time-management

What is one thing you wish you knew before becoming a manager.
I'm just very lost but all I know is that I want to be a part of business. #manager #business #major

As a business person, if you could give one piece of advice to your former self, what would it be?
I created a Business Club at my school, and I wanted to ask a few questions. #business

On your team, how do your colleagues show initiative in the virtual workplace?
#technology #business-management #virtual

What community or website should I go to that has artist and photographers that could support me?
I'm a Freshman and i'm trying to find a place where I can get other artist and photographers opinions and words of wisdom I guess but I have no experience,
#artist #photographer #business #career #2careers

Which colleges/universities have programs in melittology (study of bees)?
I recently visited Rodale Institute in Kutztown, PA, and became quite intrigued by this particular insect through the organization's one-day course. Although this is a specific subject, knowing some places that truly specialize in these pollinators would, without a doubt, help me an incredible...

Can you start your career early even if you are in school and do you have to finish school to start a career
I am a very silly person and I love to be a helpful person #career