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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1695 Answers
2259320 Reads
9999 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Jayla’s Avatar
Jayla Aug 19, 2023 476 views

Which degree do I need for law-enforcement, masters degree or bachelors degrees?

Law-enforcement. Masters degree. Bachelors degree.

lisa’s Avatar
lisa Aug 17, 2023 879 views

Why do we use fractions?

What are some life situations that will be needed for fractions?

Darlene’s Avatar
Darlene Aug 17, 2023 356 views

what is something that is hard for you to deal with on an everyday basis weather inside or outside of work just in general as an adult, work? taxes? friend? especially as a nurse or doctor can it be hard for you to make other doctor friends??


my computer glitched😭

da’s Avatar
da Aug 08, 2023 417 views

What is the hardest part about becoming a grown-up?

Diffucult to provide for yourself?

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Jul 14, 2023 542 views

Legal Studies and Law School?

If I want to become a lawyer will majoring in Legal Studies help me?

Jenna’s Avatar
Jenna Jul 15, 2023 369 views

What is it like to work as a paralegal for an employmwnt lawyer?

I have an interest in employment law, but do not want to be a full fledged lawyer.

Nataleya’s Avatar
Nataleya Jul 13, 2023 310 views

Why do I get low scores on my essays?

Why do I get low scores on my essays?

Oliver’s Avatar
Oliver Jul 12, 2023 4860 views

Can I be an Air Force pilot with bad eyesight.?

Fighter pilot

Oluchi’s Avatar
Oluchi Jul 11, 2023 568 views

Is it advisable to double major in interior design and biology, and pursue a career in interior design in Texas right now?

I really love interior design AND biology and was thinking of becoming a pediatrician and after about 10 years, switch and use my interior design degree to work for or start a design firm. Is that a good idea?

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jul 10, 2023 1580 views

What in your opinion, is a typical reason for wanting to study psychology?

Like what do you think is the most common reason psychologists and psychology students have for getting into that field? I have been wondering this for a while and I have my own opinions but I’m only a high schooler and was wondering what the professionals thought.

Allamare’s Avatar
Allamare Jul 09, 2023 689 views

What is the easiest course to take while in college And why this a question that been on my mind since high school days also how long the courses have to be ?

What is the easiest course to take while in college? And why this a question that been on my mind since high school days also how long the courses have to be

Heaven’s Avatar
Heaven Jun 30, 2023 261 views

do you guys think social media is helping or hurting the community?

society is changing everyday no matter what its inevitable. a lot of people think that social media is the root to most problems while others think its other areas. what's your opinion?

An’Tonikah’s Avatar
An’Tonikah Jun 29, 2023 845 views

What can cause someone to go in emotional distress ?

I will really want to know what causes mental distress just my well being

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 27, 2023 410 views

How can i improve my resume to get a normal every day job (such as a barista, cashier, team member, etc.) with a short-term job experience (3 months)?

I'm a sophomore in college this year and I have a lot of wiggle room to get a job, however many employers haven't responded to many of my applications, and it's probably due to my resume, how can I improve it?

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

Karina’s Avatar
Karina Jun 16, 2023 357 views

How can I be financially successful ?

I want advice or tips to be financially successful so that I can help my family live a good life