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undefined's avatar
Catrina34 views

How can I publish my book as a high schooler?

Hello! I am a freshman in high school, and I am halfway through writing a book that I would really like to publish. However, publishing is expensive. Should I wait until I’ve graduated to try and publish? Could I potentially self-publish?

undefined's avatar
Catrina40 views

What resources are out there for learning Hebrew?

Hello! I am a freshman in high school and I am very passionate about learning foreign languages. I’m considering a career in linguistics when I am older, but I have hit a bit of a road block. I managed to teach myself Spanish to fluency over the past two years. I had access to books in Spanish, movies in Spanish, and a lot of my friends also speak Spanish. These resources allowed me to become proficient in the language however Hebrew is a different story. The only method I’ve been using to learn Hebrew is Duolingo, but that can only get you so far. How do I become fluent in Hebrew with so few resources at my dispense?

undefined's avatar
Catrina50 views

Did I start my instrument too late?

Hello! I’m interested in becoming a professional classical musician. The problem is I started playing clarinet at the age of twelve and I am currently a freshman in high school. Most successful musicians start their instruments at an extremely young age. Did I start too late to make it in the world of music? I know that practice obviously will help to remedy this, but what else can I do?

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Colette89 views

I really want to be an elementary school teacher but at the same time going to cosmetology school and being a hairstylist looks so fun! How do I pick what to do!!??

I'm only in 6th grade right now.

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undefined's avatar
Maureen171 views

I'm Maureen and I'm a junior in high school. I'm interested in aeronautical science and I would like to become a pilot. Is it best for me to go to an aviation school or go to college and earn a degree in aeronautical science with an emphasis in aviation instead?

I'm interested in aeronautical science and would like to become a pilot. Is it best to go to an aviation school or go to college and earn a degree in areonotics with emphasis in aviation?

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undefined's avatar

Good Day Career Village, I have the oppourtunity to pursue one among the 7 6-12month online courses on Coursera. Data Analytics AI & Machine Learning Project Management Cybersecurity Business & Entrepreneurship Developer Pathway Mobile Developer Pathway This to me, is very much a big deal. And seeing that I'll have to invest a lot to the course, I want to pick the one most feasible to have on my cv/resume for future carreer prospects. I'm currently a full-time student of Pharmacology Therapeutics and Toxicology in a college of medicine in Lagos, Nigeria. And I'm aware that data analytics Is a good choice considering my field, but I'd love to hear from experienced professionals on the real world value of each option. Thank you In advance for your insight

Good Day Career Village, I have the oppourtunity to pursue one among the 7 6-12month online courses on Coursera. Data Analytics AI & Machine Learning Project Management Cybersecurity Business & Entrepreneurship Developer Pathway Mobile Developer Pathway This to me, is very much a big deal. And seeing that I'll have to invest a lot to the course, I want to pick the one most feasible to have on my cv/resume for future carreer prospects. I'm currently a full-time student of Pharmacology Therapeutics and Toxicology in a college of medicine in Lagos, Nigeria. And I'm aware that data analytics Is a good choice considering my field, but I'd love to hear from experienced professionals on the real world value of each option. Thank you In advance for your insight

undefined's avatar
ORE551 views

I'd love to hear from experienced professionals on the real world value of each of the coursera online courses.

Good Day Career Village, I have the oppourtunity to pursue one among the seven 6-12month online courses on Coursera. Data Analytics AI & Machine Learning Project Management Cybersecurity Business & Entrepreneurship Developer Pathway Mobile Developer Pathway This to me, is very much a big deal. And seeing that I'll have to invest a lot to the course, I want to pick the one most feasible to have on my cv/resume for future carreer prospects. I'm currently a full-time student of Pharmacology Therapeutics and Toxicology in a college of medicine in Lagos, Nigeria. And I'm aware that data analytics Is a good choice considering my field, but I'd love to hear from experienced professionals on the real world value of each option. Thank you In advance for your insight

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undefined's avatar
Mohamed249 views

Arthomology is the career ?

Arthomology is the career?

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Meghana474 views

What is the path to PhDs in fields like cancer biology, bioinformatics, genetics?

I am currently an undergrad student majoring in Biotechnology, I am exploring my graduate study options. In the US, I heard many PhD programs don't need a masters? Is it better to pursue a masters first or not? What is the norm regarding entering PhD programs?

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Salvador190 views

For jobs involving food science, what qualifications do you think are the hardest to meet?

I'm on my last semester of my Nutritional Sciences degree (bachelor's). I'm taking the time to brush up on food chemistry and physics. I have several years of experience working in a meat market, and 6 months experience developing a food product. What else can I do to aid my hire-ability?

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Negin256 views

How do I choose the right major?

How do I know if biomedical engineering is the right major for me? I don't really like the concept but i think it'll be a cool major if I focus on the engineering part solely.

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sheila642 views

how can I make money if I'm only 15 years old?

I would like to get my now apartment at 19 and have a good job

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Jullendah270 views

Which job can one apply for with maths literacy

Which job can one apply for with maths literacy

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meriah423 views

how to become an electrician and best route to get there

I currently want to become an electrician but want to make sure it's right for me. I've heard going to trade school is a good option but the better option is to join the union. what's your opinion? I am a mother and want to pick a job with a good living for my daughter and me. Can you tell me if you're doing well on your pay after the apprenticeship, and you do get paid while apprenticeship right? I just don't want to make a bad decision

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hoshi1060 views

What job can I get when I turn 14 in 3 months?

I need a job so I can go to lawyer school so I can become a lawyer I all ways wanted to be one I will turn 14 in 3 months!

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