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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 28, 2023 555 views

Becoming a police officer doesn’t require a college degree - so I don’t need one, right? ?

Note: this question is part of our professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 28, 2023 307 views

How do you know college is actually for you?

I’m currently in college but kinda feel out of it

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 27, 2023 602 views

How can i improve my resume to get a normal every day job (such as a barista, cashier, team member, etc.) with a short-term job experience (3 months)?

I'm a sophomore in college this year and I have a lot of wiggle room to get a job, however many employers haven't responded to many of my applications, and it's probably due to my resume, how can I improve it?

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 27, 2023 1329 views

What colleges specifically focus on forensic science?

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 27, 2023 820 views

Where are the best places to find jobs in the nursing field (not overworked and underplayed)?

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 27, 2023 547 views

What career path should I follow based on the following information?

I'm an 18-year-old freshly out of high school. I'm not really sure about what I should pursue in college. My interests incline towards chemistry, biology, and psychology and I feel like I want to do something in the field of biology. But the thing is, in this field whatever I'm inclining toward...

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 27, 2023 414 views

I want to go into a trade instead of college; what might you recommend for following that path?

Note: this is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

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CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 27, 2023 1255 views

What volunteer activities would you recommend for students interested in your career?

Note: This is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

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