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Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jul 30, 2016 2825 views

Am I required to have a Computer Science degree to become a Software Engineer? Do employers look more on the skill of the person than the degree? Also, do employers look down on people who do not have a Bachelor's Degree?

I'm a First year Computer Science Major. Also I'm taking a Udacity NanoDegree by Google in Android Development. #computer-science #computer-software #computer #technology #software-engineering #software-development #coding #development #personal-development #career-details #job-application

Samuel ’s Avatar
Samuel Jul 18, 2016 2226 views

What are some good ways to get involved in STEM related volunteering?

I really teaching kids about technology and how things worked. I give a lot of credit to my mentors growing who showed me the ways of model rocketry and soldering. Are there some well known STEM volunteer groups out there? Do you think it would be alright to just volunteer on the weekends...

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Jul 18, 2016 1229 views

How can the Arts impact your resume?

I keep hearing that putting down that I play piano would be a good addition to my resume. It strikes me as odd that an application with the arts on it would really impact your chances of getting a job. Would a place like Goldman Sachs really care?

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 17, 2016 1770 views

New business idea in restaurant industry. What are my next steps?

I'm 19 years old. I have no experience in the restaurant industry. Yet I have an idea. I'm going to spare many details so I'm going to get to the questions: Who should I start talking to? When should I start raising capital? Finding investors? General next/ necessary steps? Any input is...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 12, 2016 1981 views

Action drives us to push our limits and to grow. What are a couple things that I can take action on today to challenge myself and grow?

More of a philosophy question :) There are so many quotes about this concept "action": “Never complain, never explain, just let your actions speak for themselves.” – Benjamin Disraeli “The Superior man is modest in speech but exceeds in his actions.” – Confucius “There are no statues built to...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 09, 2016 1775 views

On-campus activities to exercise business-leadership skills?

Hi all,

I know every college campus is different - different clubs, organizations and communities - but what are some on-campus organizations I should look into for more business-leadership experience? #college #business #leadership #organization #clubs

Adenike’s Avatar
Adenike Jul 08, 2016 7061 views

Hi, I want to be an Orthodontist but I want to first start with being a dental hygienist and move my way on up to be a orthodontist.

I have graduated from high school and will be attending a 2- year college but my plan is to be there for a year and might have to do some summer classes I believe and go to a four year college. I just want to know is this good route that I have planned for myself ? I'm also trying to find an...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 01, 2016 1110 views

I want to be financially independent in 3 years. Tips?

What steps should I take if I want to make this a gradual process?
I am in University going into my sophomore year.

Books to read? People to talk to? etc.

Thanks y'all! #finance #management #university #advice #money-management

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