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Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Apr 23, 2018 774 views

What degree is best for working as a game programmer?

I am currently studying to get a degree in Interactive Media and Game Design, but would it arguably be better just to get a degree in computer science?

#game-programming #game-development

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Apr 23, 2018 655 views

What is one of the hardest aspects of being a game programmer?

I'm currently studying at WPI in order to go on to become a game programmer. What is one of the hardest things about that job, whether it be a part of the job or part of actually landing it?

#game-programming #game-design

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Apr 19, 2018 2713 views

What is the best way to get focused and start studying?

I have such a hard time starting projects, homework, studying, etc. and it's so frustrating. Sometimes when I do start I can't get focused and I'm not sure why. Help.

#school #homework #studying-tips

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Apr 19, 2018 760 views

What career options do I have with a degree in liberal studies?

The liberal arts major encompasses everything that I love (history, english, art, culture), but I have no idea what I can do with it. I want to make sure that my future is secure by choosing this major. #college-advice #college-major #career-counseling #career-path #career-choice #indecisive...

Lethicia’s Avatar
Lethicia Mar 27, 2018 726 views

How can I get into the work study program?

I’m gonna need a job immediately when I go to #college otherwise I won’t be able to pay. I emailed administration about it but never got a reply. Should I email them again? #work #career

Lethicia’s Avatar
Lethicia Mar 27, 2018 774 views

Can I make a living in majoring in dance?

My passion is dance its my whole life. It’s how I’m able to express myself to people without actually having to talk. I want to major in dance so much but my family says it’s unrealistic and I’ll have no future. What should I do?? #dance

Lethicia’s Avatar
Lethicia Mar 27, 2018 818 views

Will an introvert be successful in gettinga degree in business?

My dream is to become a ceo for a company, but I’m a very quiet person and I don’t know if i will be able to have successful career in business since I don’t talk. I see shows of business people and there always giving presentations and talking in front of bigwudiences and I’m willing to try...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 27, 2018 851 views

Where do I go for support?

Where am I able to find support when I am falling behind in a class or do not understand something? I have decided to go to a larger college and I'm worried about feeling lost and alone. Will there be peer mentors or professor mentors that will be able to help guide me to make the most...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 27, 2018 709 views

What was it like adjusting to a larger classroom?

I'm used to relatively small and quiet classes. I want to know what the transition is like and how you adapted to it. Was it harder to learn in large auditoriums and was it difficult to hear and understand the professor? #college-advice #classroom #learning

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 13, 2018 929 views

What are the differences between education at a public university and a private university, if any?

Many teens struggle to decide between attending a public or a private university. Should one be valued more than the other? If so, why? Personally, I believe it depends on the major one is pursuing.
#public #private #university #cost #value #major

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 13, 2018 791 views

How important is travel to becoming educated, intellectual and well- rounded?

It always seems as if the most interesting and thought- provoking people that I meet are those who have traveled the world and had many experiences. Do you think traveling is essential to becoming the most educated, influential and intellectual person one can be? #travel #education #importance...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 07, 2018 550 views

What’s the best way to prepare to have a roommate?

At home I have my own room and it is my safe haven. I’m an introvert. I love spending time with other people, but I need the time to recharge and take a break every day in order to keep myself going. In college I will have at least one roommate if not two or three. I’m doing my best to find a...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 07, 2018 662 views

Am I going to be happy with my career choice?

I’m only 18 and a senior in high school. I’m young and every day I learn more about myself and my interests, challenges, and strengths. However, this coming fall I’m going to college to pursue a degree in nursing. As much as I feel confident in this choice now, I worry that this will change....

Leonardo’s Avatar
Leonardo Jan 23, 2018 684 views

Why does it matter what college you go to?

If we are getting the same degree in different colleges, whats the point of going to a state college rather than an Ivy League college? #college #career-decisions

Leonardo’s Avatar
Leonardo Jan 23, 2018 761 views

If I'm going into a major that I don't know that I really like, what should I do?

I put the major I would want on my application as Physics but I don't think it'll be the right major for me but I don't know what major is the right one for me.

#choosing-major #college-major #college-bound

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