Campbell, California
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What steps you would recommend I take to prepare to enter this field?
I am a student from Job corps
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I am graduating from college in May and am currently applying for internships. Is there anything else I should be doing before graduating?
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How can I successfully double major in Finance and Fashion Journalism?
One problem I feel like I can get stuck in is that, I feel like I might be too hyper focused on one major or I feel like because I am majoring in two majors I might get overwhelmed.
What are the outcomes of this?
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Is it easy to get an internship in fashion journalism?
Note: this question was asked anonymously by a learner
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What types of courses are offered to Journalism majors?
I am interested in double majoring in finance and journalism. I am specifically interested in Fashion Journalism ( clothing, beauty, marketing, magazines, and blogs.)
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What do I need to look into when it comes to majoring in journalism?
I want to double major in Finance and Journalism as I am interested in fashion journalism
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I am not great at math but want to be a Finance major. What are some math classes I would be expected to take?
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What are the best jobs to go for when it comes to majoring in Finance?
Also, what are the most common fields the employ finance majors?
Note: this question was asked anonymously by a learner
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