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China Grove, North Carolina

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Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Aug 28, 2023 767 views

How do you get a part-time job as a college student?

I don't have a lot of experience in my given field, but I am very inquisitive and a quick learner of all things. Unfortunately, neither of those has helped me get a job in data science (current field) or graphic communications (previous field)

Shawn’s Avatar
Shawn Aug 20, 2023 719 views

What major should I choose ?

I would like to do something in I T

alana’s Avatar
alana Aug 17, 2023 278 views

What is the best college in North Carolina?

Share what college you attended or are attending in/near North Carolina, U.S. and what your experience is/was.

Ahrya’s Avatar
Ahrya Aug 15, 2023 1547 views

How will I find a good career that fits me for who I am?

Advice on the best career choices?

vincent’s Avatar
vincent Aug 05, 2023 569 views

Why Is it so hard to find networking opportunities?

Why is so hard to find networking opportunities?

Tia’s Avatar
Tia Jul 21, 2023 371 views

If you have narrowed it down to 3 careers you want to have and you have passion for all 3, is it possible to have all of them or incorporate them into your main career?

I want to be a psychologist who can understand and help people with their problems( emotionally, mentally, and spiritually), I want also to be a writer and write books that are funny and relatable as well as impactful for they could help someone one day. I would also like to have my own...

Kaylin’s Avatar
Kaylin Jul 20, 2023 755 views

How much do veterinarians make on average?

I have always been interested in this and would love to learn more.

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Jul 16, 2023 760 views

What programs are there for free or at low cost?

I am autistic and a person of color. I would like to find a veterinary study abroad programs that are affordable for me in countries like germany, Norway,Denmark, Iceland,etc

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