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Newburg, Maryland

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Bee’s Avatar
Bee Jul 29, 2023 788 views

Nursing colloges?

Any good colleges in Va you guys recommend that have good nursing programs.

Angela’s Avatar
Angela Jul 27, 2023 632 views

How do I type college essays without burning out?

How do I type college essays without burning out?

Hi, im a sophomore and I dont want to burn out! Honestly, I've seen a lot lol

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Jul 27, 2023 584 views

How do I choose the best major for me?

How do I choose the best major for me?

Mimi’s Avatar
Mimi Jul 18, 2023 1027 views

How do I make my drawings look good?

How do I make my drawings look good without a lot of fancy supplies

Isatu’s Avatar
Isatu Jul 18, 2023 553 views

What is a college resume supposed to consist?

When submitting a college application what should you include?

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jul 18, 2023 746 views

Any advice on getting into the Naval Academy?

I have great extracurriculars (awards for music at the state level, appointed to a state government commission/hold an elected positions, student government president for entire county, student government executive board member at state level, internship with my state senator). I also have...

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jul 18, 2023 4456 views

Is it worth it to major in economics and minor in computer science?

Any insight into the field of majors, minors, certificates, double majors, etc would be appreciated. I hope to work in the macroeconomic sphere and have an interest in analyzing trends in data to advise policy.

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Jul 16, 2023 1047 views

I want to join either the Special Forces or Navy Seals (even CIA), but I feel like as a woman I can't. How do I prove myself that I can handle myself as a woman in these fields?

How do I prove myself better?

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