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Otsego, Minnesota

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Mehdi’s Avatar
Mehdi Oct 14 355 views

Barbers, what tips do you have for cutting type 4 hair ?

I want to further my knowledge when cutting all hair types.

Maya’s Avatar
Maya Oct 14 359 views

Do your photography customers give you any backlash?

I am a sophomore in highschool and want to know what its like.

Carter’s Avatar
Carter Oct 14 378 views

How many years do you have to work until you could retire from a hard working job , like construction?

How many years do you have to work until you could retire from a hard working job , like construction?

Carter’s Avatar
Carter Oct 14 146 views

What collage course do you have to take to become a officer?

What collage course do you have to take to become a officer?

Tegan’s Avatar
Tegan Oct 14 530 views

What kind of classes should you take in college to become a Operations and generals manager?

I am a student in high school hoping to learn more about this career

Brockton’s Avatar
Brockton Oct 13 203 views

How much time studying can I expect while pursuing a job as a Lawyer?

Something that I want to be when I am older is a Lawyer. Is there a lot of studying that goes into it? Is the work related to Law hard? What are studying tips that you found to be good?

Brockton’s Avatar
Brockton Oct 13 308 views

How do you manage your work-life balance as a Lawyer?

Something that I want when I am older is to have a good work-life balance. I know it could be hard because Lawyers work long hours. How do you do it?

Brockton’s Avatar
Brockton Oct 13 351 views

What was the interview process like to be a Lawyer?

I am in tenth grade and looking forward to being a lawyer in my future. I want to know if there are any additional questions that an interviewer might ask me that I need to know. Are there any "go to" questions that I need to know?

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