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Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Apr 30, 2014 1509 views

Pros and cons of working at the college you're attending?

The university I'm planning to attend has many job opportunities for students to work on campus. I was thinking about doing it as it would help financially and also just to get work experience. Should I? If I do decide to, should I wait until my sophomore or junior years? Or could I handle it...

Teal’s Avatar
Teal Apr 30, 2014 1355 views

What would be a career path for someone who is considering a career in animal therapy or training?

I enjoy working with animals, and have been considering different options that allow this interaction. I do not want to be a veterinarian, but I do have interests in animal therapy or training, and I was wondering if there is any advice you could give or a path to look into during my college...

Teal’s Avatar
Teal Apr 30, 2014 6651 views

If you don't know the language well, is studying abroad still a good idea?

I'm taking a beginners course in German, but do not really plan on studying it in college. I am interested in possibly studying abroad there as the culture interests me, so I was wondering if no knowing the language well/only knowing the very basics would be a reason to look into studying...

Maeve’s Avatar
Maeve Apr 30, 2014 1873 views

Would you recommend taking classes over the summer for college?

I know many people that spend their college summers taking classes. Would you suggest this? I know that it can help you get ahead to graduate early or to stay on track. #college #classes #courses #summer #class #course

Teal’s Avatar
Teal Apr 30, 2014 1723 views

Does it help to start off in a career that pays well, rather than searching for your dream job?

I know college results in debt, so I was wondering: in the long run would it be worth it to find a job in a subject you like(but aren't overly fond of) and use that to become more financially stable, then find a career you are very passionate about? #finance #debt #multiple-interests

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Apr 30, 2014 2465 views

What is life like as an FBI/CIA agent?

I am very interested in going into criminal justice but everyone tells me it is very dangerous and scary. I was wondering if I could get some information on what life is like or what a general day looks like as an agent. #criminal-justice #life

Maeve’s Avatar
Maeve Apr 29, 2014 1931 views

What should you do over the summer when you are in college?

What are your suggestions for summers during your college years. Should you look for a job or find an internship. #job #summer

Maeve’s Avatar
Maeve Apr 29, 2014 1249 views

Is it possible to study abroad during the summer?

I'm not sure if I want to study abroad during the school year. Are there colleges that offer study abroad programs in the summer or during school breaks like winter break? #travel #study-abroad #summer

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