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Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Oct 06, 2021 528 views

Is majoring in biology worth it?

Planning on majoring in #biology, would you say it was worth it? if not then why?

Jiarong’s Avatar
Jiarong Oct 06, 2021 685 views

While in college, how you prepare yourself to become a software engineer?

I am a High School Senior who has a strong passion in Computer Science and I am looking forward to become a Software Engineer. But I have a concern. According to Moore's law, "Computational progress will become significantly faster, smaller, and more efficient over time". I am worried that...

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Oct 06, 2021 440 views

Would a bio major be versatile?

After graduating from HS, I plan to major in Biology. Would a bio major be versatile?

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Oct 06, 2021 728 views

Advice on not comparing yourself to talented smart people.

Something I've always struggled with as a student and person in general, is comparing myself to others. Whether if it's looks or intelligence, I always seem to find a way to compare said person and myself. The colleges I want to get into are extremely competitive, so when I can't do something,...

Canming’s Avatar
Canming Oct 06, 2021 755 views

What are some good colleges in California that has a good STEM program?

I am currently a senior in high school in San Francisco. We are getting close to applying for colleges. Just wanted to know what colleges have a good STEM program. #college-selection #engineering #career #computerscience

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Oct 06, 2021 642 views

What are some technology companies that include Social Justice as one of their core values?

I'm a senior in high school and am passionate about incorporating Social Justice with technology. I would love to learn about tech companies that I could possibly intern for or work for after college that involves Social Justice in their work! Thanks :) #technology #socialjustice...

Billy’s Avatar
Billy Oct 06, 2021 449 views

Unsure college selections

Hi, I'm a senior in high school and I have no clue about what career I want to do. How should I choose colleges?

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Oct 06, 2021 538 views

How do you stay motivated or make yourself do something?

I'm a senior in high school, and applying for colleges and writing responses for PIQs has been a struggle. Everyday, I know I need to do them but I can't find myself to get up and actually do them. I try to have a positive outlook on them, but I still feel the dread and pressure of doing it. It...

Brian’s Avatar
Brian Oct 06, 2021 407 views

What coding language is present in most jobs in the computer science field?

I am a high school student interested in majoring in computer science

junhua’s Avatar
junhua Oct 06, 2021 496 views

Was career needed?

#career-choice #career #career-path

Eden’s Avatar
Eden Oct 06, 2021 7933 views

How hard it is to find an entry level job as a fresh engineering graduate?

I'm just wondering about my career path after college and I got a bit worried about this question. #job #engineering

Iakov’s Avatar
Iakov Oct 06, 2021 749 views

What can you do for your resume to show experience?

Especially going into the computer science field I believe experience is key to be hired. What are some things I can do to gain more experience to strengthen my resume other than taking courses or doing internships?

#resume #computer #job-application #internship

junhua’s Avatar
junhua Oct 06, 2021 614 views

How does career help?

#career #career-path #career-choice

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Oct 06, 2021 536 views

Do security pentesters work steady hours or are they basically freelance?

(I want to be transparent right up front: I'm not a student. I'm a staff member at But I'm posting this question because although we have many questions related to #cybersecurity, we don't have this one, and I think our students would love to know the answer.) My question:...

hannah’s Avatar
hannah Oct 06, 2021 605 views

how many ap classes should i take in high school?

#high-school-classes #ap #college #high-school

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