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Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Aug 16, 2016 2466 views

Would it be better for me to major in Journalism or Mass Communications?

I am asking this question because ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to be a magazine editor; however, lately i have been thinking about pursuing a career in broadcast journalism. Also many people who do end up majoring in Journalism have difficulties finding a job, so would...

Philip’s Avatar
Philip Aug 15, 2016 2221 views

What made you decide that you wanted to choose entertainment as your career?

There are so many careers to choose from, and I know specifically for me I can do a whole lot more. And because I'm also choosing this path I would like to know why so many people choose this route aside from my reasoning. #entrepreneurship #career #entertainment #career-choice #career-path

Philip’s Avatar
Philip Aug 15, 2016 1205 views

How long after entering the media/entertainment career do you start to see success?

I'm a very anxious person, and when it comes to entertainment I love to see the excitement and the demand people bring forth for continue. Not everything that is being marketed is going to be main streamed right away, so I just wanted to know how long would it usually take, on average?...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 15, 2016 1243 views

What is it like to pursue a teaching career in another country?

I am a high school student currently interested in taking up education as a future career. It was a difficult choice to pick this career path because although I always wanted to be a teacher, my father refuses to allow me to take up a low-paying job. I decided to look into teaching outside of...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 14, 2016 787 views

How can I balance work life, school life, and extracurricular clubs?

I want to do everything, yet it seems like there is not enough time to do all things at once. How can I be in clubs while working part time and also going to school ? #college #school

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 13, 2016 1262 views

How difficult is it to pursue a career in another country?

I am a high school student born and raised in the United States of America. Recently, I have been interested in possibly working abroad. I know there are many challenging factors to consider when looking to work internationally, but I would specifically like to know what they are exactly....

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 12, 2016 1005 views

What are some careers that are currently in demand?

I am a high school student getting ready to head off to college in the next two years or so. I am always wondering about a financially stable career and so I think it is incredibly crucial for me to choose a career path that is going to be in demand for the next 30-40 years. If possible, let me...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 12, 2016 1871 views

What are some new careers that are going to arise in the next 10 years or so?

I am a student going into my junior year of high school. I understand that new careers are always being developed and am interested in what kind of careers will emerge in the future. Right now I am considering different career paths for me to take, as I am soon going to be graduating and...

Tyrel’s Avatar
Tyrel Aug 12, 2016 1062 views

What's the most successful way to become popular in the music industry?

Keeping in touch with celebrities in the entertainment industry is one of my favorite pass times. My reason for answering this question is because it seems as though many new artists have their two years or so of fame but it suddenly starts to die out and they lose thousands of fans. I would...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 11, 2016 904 views

What is the most important thing when choosing a right major/minor?

It is hard to understand which major is the right one that is suitable for me when there are so many different types of fields out there. How can I choose the best ones for my passions and interests? #college #major #college-minor

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 10, 2016 1205 views

How can I keep healthy if I work full time/ go to school?

It seems to be pretty hard to do that when there are odd break hours, many people. How do you maintain weight and eat healthy also #health #school #fitness

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Aug 10, 2016 1141 views

How do you decide which major to take up in college?

Right now, I'm a junior in high school and of course thinking about colleges, where to apply, and how to stand from my competiton. But my main concern is what I should major in. There are so many courses that sound super interesting to me like anthropology, Spanish, business, etc., but it's so...

Aukai’s Avatar
Aukai Aug 09, 2016 1612 views

As a student in highschool, many doors (internships) seems shut. What are you r recommendations for a highschool student who wants to get an internship at a consulting firm?

More so for next summer, I would like to intern at a consulting firm so that I might learn about what it takes (experience and education wise) to come back and get a job post-degree. #business #higher-education #consulting #management-consulting

Aukai’s Avatar
Aukai Aug 09, 2016 1023 views

What are the perquisites for studying economics in university- what must you be strong in?

Economics is a field I am interested in studying. #economics

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 1081 views

How should I start preparing for college?

Following my previous question, I would like to know how I can prepare for college. I am a third-year high school student who is indeed outside the loop of college preparation. I am wondering how I can plan ahead and what I can do to make it easier for me to apply to colleges. What are the...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 969 views

When should I start preparing for college?

I am going into my junior year of high school in the Fall, anxious that I am another year closer to college. I know it is best to start preparing for college as early as possible, but when is early? I don't want too have to suffer later on and struggle to get all of my applications in. Should I...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 1974 views

How can I pursue a career that does not assure financial stability in the future?

I want to ask this question on behalf of some of my friends who are struggling with the same situation. These particular friends are unimaginably talented in the things they like to do. For example, one may excel in art and another may be superior in music. As you and I may know, finding work...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 1149 views

How do I find the right career for me?

Everyone knows that it is best to choose a career that explores your passions and that you are good at. I am aware of some of my hobbies and could list a few things that I find myself excelling at. How do I take all of this information and acquire a career that is right for me? There are many...

Ishan’s Avatar
Ishan Aug 08, 2016 1041 views

I wanted to have a degree in buissness, so should i go diretly to a undergraduate buissness or should i do enginnering first?

I'm a high school student thinking about my future. I would love to have this question help not just my future, but everyone else's who is in my career path . #engineering #mba #beginner

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 1223 views

What role does competition play in your career?

Although I have not yet started a career, competition has arose to be a challenging factor as a high school student. I see myself trying to do the best that I can do in my classes, but once I see someone else doing a little better than me, I don't find myself trying to outpace the other. I have...

Leticia’s Avatar
Leticia Aug 08, 2016 900 views

How strict are law firms and other legal institutions with their age or education requirements for their internships?

Most places I want to intern at either have educational or age requirements that I do not meet as a high schooler, restricting my chance of getting an internship. I plan to major in political science when I go to college and would love some exposure to the legal and governmental world by...

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 08, 2016 1053 views

How can I be promoted in a company?

As a person who wants to move up to higher positions in a company, how can I give my managers the impression that I am capable of being in a higher authoritative position? #career #work #life

Lucero’s Avatar
Lucero Aug 07, 2016 35162 views

What is the difference between elementary school and middle school?

I personally thought that both schools are the same, just that in middle school the work is a bit tough. Many different students have different answers and would make me happy to hear a few answers. #graduate-school #college-student #student-affairs

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 07, 2016 1792 views

Should I choose the job I love or the job that makes me money?

Looking back at my 16 years of life, I would have never thought I would have to choose between doing what I love and making money. As a little girl, I always dreamed of being a teacher. I looked up to the agents of change at my school and appreciated all of the things they do for me and the...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 07, 2016 2414 views

In high school, is it better to take career-related classes or classes that are pretty unnecessary to your future but are fun for you?

In high school, classes are separated into core classes (main subjects like Mathematics, English, Science, etc.) and electives (classes outside a required curriculum like Creative Writing, Band, Ceramics, etc.). Electives may not seem that important because they are more of a "just because"...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 07, 2016 1198 views

What are the essential skills you need to possess when on the search for a job/career. How would I develop and practice these skills as a high school student?

Many have started their job/career lives during high school, whether it be a summer job or necessary part-time work during the school year. Many high school students have also gone out to look for a job, but have come back without a single "You're hired!". I would like to know if there are...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 06, 2016 998 views

How do you gain experience when employers are only looking for workers with experience?

I had numerous experiences where my older brother, who is 20 years and old and going into his third year of college, would come home disappointed that the place he applied for previously did not accept him. Many of these places require outside experiences, but how is it possible to gain that...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 06, 2016 2114 views

Which is more important when choosing a job: salary or work-life balance?

As a high school student, I have many needs and wants throughout the school year. Obviously, I would have to financially support myself if many of my desires are a bit pricey or my parents are no longer supporting me financially (other than food, shelter, etc.) Is it better to take up a...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 06, 2016 1224 views

What are some ways a high school student is able to answer the age-old question: "What do I want to do for the rest of my life?"

I am a student going into my third year of high school, another year closer to college and choosing the career path I want to walk down. I have always wanted a career where I will be happy doing the work that I am doing. I never would want to force myself to do something that I would regret....

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 06, 2016 1119 views

Would taking up a part-time job during the school year be too stressful on me? (Third-Year High School Student)

I am a student going into my third year of high school and was very interested in taking up a summer job to support my financial needs and wants. I was only looking for a part-time job that would last from July to August because I would be very busy in the start of the new school year (I...

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