Career questions tagged part-time-job
What are some good part-time jobs for high school students who want to work in the medical field in the future?
What are some good jobs for high school students that can help prepare them for a career in the medical field?
What should I expect for the workload in attaining a BSN? Should I work part-time or not while getting it?
I am a high school junior and I love to work, but I do not know if this is possible. Have others felt this way? If so, what happened when you went to college?
Is having a job during college normal?
I would need a source of income during college to pay for my education and I was wondering if it is normal/feasible to have jobs while in college.
What online part time job is suitable for me while having my online class?
I am a gr11 student and been part of the public speaking club of our department way back junior high school for 3 years. I have patience, good at communicating and sociable. #high-school-students #part-time-job
What are some entry level jobs for academic achieving High School Graduates with minimal work experience in the Bay Area?
#high-school #part-time-job #time-management #data #STEM #management #women-in-stem #siliconvalley #employment #internships #high-school-students #resume
How do you balance college, work (full or part-time) and still be able to hangout with friends/family?
I am a sophomore in college, and I am struggling with balancing these three things. College and work seem to consume my whole day, every day. #College #sophomore #marine-biology #struggle #part-time-job #NoSocialLife #work-life-balance
How do you balance school work, classes, and a job.
I have a part time job and a lot of school work to deal with on the daily. Is there a way to make it easier to handle so I do not feel like I am constantly being overwhelmed? #school #organization #part-time-job
How can I gain work experience when I am unemployed?
Hello, I am a student attending community college and I am interested in getting a part-time job while I am attending school but, unfortunately, I do not have allot of work related experience. My dilemma is that I need more experience to get a job but I can not get any experience because I do not have a job. Are there any means of gaining work experience outside of a job that I am not taking advantage of? If so, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate any help you could provide me with. #career #job-search #college-jobs #community-college #work-experience #part-time-job #unemployment #gaining-experience
Would taking up a part-time job during the school year be too stressful on me? (Third-Year High School Student)
I am a student going into my third year of high school and was very interested in taking up a summer job to support my financial needs and wants. I was only looking for a part-time job that would last from July to August because I would be very busy in the start of the new school year (I participate in a Fall sport). Although I have applied to a local grocery store in the beginning of July, I never received a response, though a month has already passed. I am not looking to apply to another part-time job any sooner because it would only last me three weeks at the most, so I was wondering if taking up a part-time job during my junior year of high school would be smart. Of course there are other factors that play in my decision making. For example, junior year being the most important year of your high school career since the grades you get in that year (actual school grades, the SAT, ACT. etc.) are what is shown to the colleges you are applying to. Please help me decide whether or not I should have a part-time job while being a full-time high school student! #part-time-job