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Angela’s Avatar
Angela May 26, 2016 820 views

What can I do to find a job right after college?

I am going into college and I am concerned about finding a job right after I graduate. #nursing #medicine #masters

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda May 25, 2016 1378 views

What are the best ways to get involved and prepared the summer before college begins?

I am going to be a freshman in college this fall, but I want to make my summer productive and meaningful so that I will start off the months before college strong. Are there any volunteer opportunities or fun ways to spend the summer months that you recommend? #college #job #volunteering...

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda May 25, 2016 2414 views

What is the most rewarding part about being a doctor?

I am a freshman college student who is eager to learn more and more about the career I am working toward for my future. Being a doctor is rewarding for obvious reasons--you get to directly impact the lives of human beings--but are there any specific reasons why you felt rewarded by your career?...

Darelyanel’s Avatar
Darelyanel May 24, 2016 1126 views

How to find internships after college?

Although I'm not in college just yet, I am curious as to how I would find internships post-college. Is there a website I would have to go to or maybe just by getting to know people? I really am unsure. #college #english #internship #english-composition

Darelyanel’s Avatar
Darelyanel May 24, 2016 1262 views

Should I join a club in college?

In college, I also plan to work and study. How much time does a club take up?, and would I have the time for one? #college #work #club #student-activities

Lindsay ’s Avatar
Lindsay May 24, 2016 736 views

Any advice on rising my gpa or getting high test scores

I am a rising senior #college

Lindsay ’s Avatar
Lindsay May 24, 2016 17864 views

Can you apply to the same college twice

For example, applying for early and regular admission?

(This question was edited by a site admin for clarity)

Emon’s Avatar
Emon May 21, 2016 877 views

As a chemistry major, what would be the best internships to aquire as a future pharmacist?

I am currently in school to obtain a bachelor's in chemistry. I plan on studying pharmacy in graduate school, and I would love more insight on my future endevours. #medicine #pre-med #chemistry #pharmacy #pharmacists

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 21, 2016 1217 views

How important is networking ? Doe you have any tips for networking?

How has networking helped you in your career #networking #network

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 21, 2016 1100 views

As a journalist what is the hardest thing about your job? And what is the best state to start a job in journalism

I am a junior in college and am majoring in mass communicantions #journalism

Terrie’s Avatar
Terrie May 20, 2016 1134 views

Carrer Choices

I am thinking of pursuing a degree in finance but don't know if I should. The business world is very competitive and I'm not sure if I am cut out for the environment and hustle. I am thinking I want a career as a Personal Financial Advisor, if anyone in the career or something similar to the...

Terrie’s Avatar
Terrie May 20, 2016 790 views


I like helping people and I love to give advice so I thought about being a high school counselor or something along those lines would be a career path for me. I just don't know what a counselor would major/minor in or the process it takes to become one. Anyone who knows anything would be a huge...

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa May 19, 2016 1512 views

If I am planning on majoring in something like Psychology or Pre-Med, would it be strange/frowned upon to minor in a language or possibly have a double minor including a language and some other science?

I have taken three levels of Psychology in my high school: gifted, on-level, and AP, and have enjoyed the vast range that this subject offers. I'm planning on going to medical school after college, however I am a first-generation American from my family, so my family and I are not familiar with...

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa May 19, 2016 842 views

In order to get into medical school easier in the far future, is majoring in something other than Pre-Med like Psychology (or majoring in a specific psychology) going to allow for a bigger chance to get into the medical school of my choice?

I love helping others in any way, shape, or form, and the medical field will allow for me to continue this on a larger spectrum. I am continuing to volunteer at Emory St. Joseph's Hospital over the summer, and I am gaining amazing experiences from this opportunity, as well as learning about...

David’s Avatar
David May 19, 2016 955 views

Do I need a Licence to be a Forensic Scientist?

Hi, I'm currently debating on whether to be a forensic scientist or pursuing a career in Exercise Sciences. I've heard that in order to be a Forensic Scientist that I need to receive a bachelors degree and a state issued license to be a forensic scientist. I researched the requirements online...

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