Career questions tagged bad-grades

Is it possible to get into one of the more prestigious colleges even if I didn't have very good grades the first semester of my freshman year ?
I kinda started out my freshman year ok before my grades tanked due to me not turning homework in because I was sick quite often and missed days of school. Since I failed so horribly the first semester I plan to at least get higher than A-'s all throughout high school to hopefully make up for it. I should also note that getting an A isn't that difficult for me because I got Bs and Cs in the first semester without putting in much effort. But I've realized now that I should just get high school over with and put in the the full effort.

How can i become a better version of me?
Im 16 nd i am goin to repeat 10th grade because of how awkward and shameful i felt, the year has been very rough on me and my family, after i had found out my dad git cancer late December last year, everything just came crashing down, I live in a generation that you have to be good, but I'm not good enough. I keep struggling in math, chemistry, Japanese, AP Government and it's really sad because I really want to do better, plus I just turned 16 this year and every single job I've been applying to they haven't been accepting me, it looks like bad luck is just on my side plus my dad is not getting better, he still has cancer, his cancer is at stage 4, like i dnt know, it's a lot all of this is just been like occupying my mind and because of that I let school escape my mind, School wasn't even good it's worse like every single day the teachers act like they don't even like us , it's like they're not even there to teach and I also don't like the students there, they're hectic, loud, obnoxious and it just makes me leave and hate school