Career questions tagged dentists

What advice do you have for a studt schedule for someone who is looking to go into dental school?
I'm currently a senior in high school and want to know some good tips on how to make the transition for studying in high school to studying in my undergraduate years at college with a career goal in mind. Thank you!

Is joining a dental program difficult for average students in highschool?
#averagestudent #dentalprogram #dentists #highschool

what is the pros and cons to be a dentist? Is it worth it?
I have been thinking about my career lately. I got very polarized opinions from people in this profession. Some said that it's the worst, people don't respect you even if you help them to maintain oral health. Some said that they were happy to be in this profession. I hope to get some more detailed comments about this career. Is it worth it to go into this profession with many years of study? #health #dentists #JULY20 #career #dental-schools #DAT #orthodontists #dental