Career questions tagged hiring-managers

Can someone become an HR or Talent Recruiter without a degree in the field Is it possible to transition from another background, and do HR certifications help in landing a job in this sector?
Also, can I learn about HR through self-study, and if so, how effective is that for finding opportunities? I will be very grateful for any helps.

What is a Prompt Engineer / Should I list ChatGPT skill on my resume ?
Context: With ChatGPT , AI tools gaining popularity in all industries, is 'AI skill' something that companies and HR managers are looking for in the coming years ? If so, what does 'AI skills' mean to you ? ( e.g. able to generate reports with greater efficiency using ChatGPT ? ) Most importantly, how can I prepare myself for this battle with AI ? I came across this role called "AI Prompt Engineer" If you are a Prompt Engineer, could you describe what a typical day looks like ? It'll be amazing if you could also share a little bit about how you become a Prompt Engineer ! I really appreciate any insights or advice ! THANK YOU in advance for taking the time to read / answer the question ! ( My question is not generated by ChatGPT ! 😂 )

How can I set myself apart when applying for jobs?
I will be graduating this semester (Woohoo!) and am currently looking for jobs to gain work experience to act as stepping stones in building a career. I work as a server at a restaurant, but realize I need to focus on my future. To the jobs I have already applied to, there are many I have yet to hear back from. So I ask, what can I do to set myself apart when I apply for jobs? #business #business-development #hiring #entry-level #hiring-managers