Career questions tagged notetaking

How to maintain a database for current affairs?
I am currently preparing for a law entrance exam that requires me to learn all the current events that occur locally and globally but since there is so much information, note-taking has become quite difficult and arduous. My notes become jumbled since there is so much information and more keeps coming. Is there a better way to approach this?

Best way to take notes for class?
Hey, it can be challenging to focus in class and take notes; so what are some effective note-taking strategies?

What do I need to take note during my internship?
I plan on taking note of my internship experience or track with Notion. What type of pages should I create? Currently, I have meeting notes and daily weekly reviews...What else should I add? I am taking a PROJECT MANAGEMENT and SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING internship.

School Supplies
So I will be starting college this next semester however I will be taking all my classes online this year, so I want to make sure I’m taking really good notes to pass my finals. What kind of notebooks would you recommend for classes like English 101-102, Biology 223, etc. (Don’t remember all of the classes I’m taking this semester, I’m taking bio next semester actually but I’m just curious). I know the syllabus should tell me but since I’m doing my classes online I’m not so sure. #general #notetaking #schoolsupplies #english #biology #incomingcollegestudent