Career questions tagged self-driven
Jonathan853 views
How do I go about creating my own Company in the Engineering Industry?
Being enrolled in the Drexel Co-op program has given me the incites that I am grateful for experiencing before I enter the workforce. As I near the end of my last Co-op, I have realized that a 9am-5pm job is not for me. Being self employed has always been a dream of mine. #leadership #engineering #self-employed #self-driven
Bianca1414 views
What is it is like being your own boss?
My ultimate goal is to become a speech therapist and help children in elementary schools work on their speech disorders. One reason I job this job is because many times, speech therapists are self-employed, and this is important to me. What is it like being self-employed? #speech-pathology #speech #speech-therapy #self-starter #self-driven