Career questions tagged speech

How do I know if I'm on the right track?
I am currently studying in one of the most prestigious university in my country and I am enrolled in a program wherein i did not want. I took the opportunity since the passing rate of this institution is very high, and i ended up realizing that this program isn't meant for me. So i decided to drop one of the major courses and decided i am going to shift next semester to BA Communication. What I'm afraid of is that I might make the same mistake twice and I'm currently in a point of my life wherein i do not know what i want; but i do need money. And I'm afraid that this program might not have as much opportunity as my current one (math). I have always believed/convinced myself that i am a STEM person. However i haven't realized until recently that what i want is to speak in large crowds, to inspire, and create stories that connects with people. And I have always wondered will this program sustain myself and my family in the future? Is it worth risking my future for something/ a course that i actually want to pursue? Please enlighten me.

I’m a student in highschool and I was wondering if I should take pre calculus or if its necessary to take it if I want to become a Speech Language Pathologist.?
I am in grade 11 and I want to become a Speech Language Pathologist in Vancouver, BC. I also need advice for volunteer experience and what subjects should I focus on to become a speech pathologist

Speech Pathologist collage requirements?
What majors do i need to become Speech-language pathologist? Also what collages are good for it?

What is a good job for a communications major?
What job would be good for someone who wants to work from home or anywhere in the world, is creative, independent and has a degree in speech communications?

What is the salary of a speech pathologist?
How much is a Speech pathologist's salary?

When do I have time to be a speech therapist ?
How to become a speech therapist

What should I work on now if I am interested in a path to speech pathology?
Hello speech pathologists! I'm a current sophomore in high school and want to pursue a career as a speech pathologist. What would you recommend I do now to help me on this path? Extracurricular activities? Jobs? Internships?

What major should I look into to be accepted into a speech therapist program? ?
I’m going to be a sophomore in college and working on prerequisites. I know I want to become a speech therapist that specializes in children but am unsure after this year which way to go. Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

How long would I need to go to school to become a speech pathologist ?
Also what is the demand like for this job?

Why did you become a Speech Language Pathology?
Hello! My name is Alyssa and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Speech-Language Pathology field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment. 1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7.Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. What will the main communication challenges be? 12. Can a communication device help? If so, can we talk with an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) specialist? 13. Do you work as part of a team? What members are on the team?

Are there any films or movies that relate to speech therapy that you watch? #cv23
There are many shows about doctors and nurses but I was wondering if there were some about or with speech therapists.

Speech Pathologist?
For speech pathologists do you choose your own hours? Are you able to have a big family and still have time for everything? What is the salary? What is your day to day schedule?

Volunteer opportunities in NYC - Speech Pathology
Does anyone know of any places in NYC/BRONX where I can volunteer and gain experience observing Speech Language Pathologists as a Speech student? I’m trying to apply for grad school and is switching careers. I would love to gain experience and also add to my resume when applying for schools.

What can I expect when becoming a Speech Pathologist? The pros and cons?
I’m currently switching careers into Speech Language Pathology. I’m finishing up my prerequisite courses and is looking to apply for grad school.

How do i become a Speech Language Pathologists?
What type of college comes with this career? What type of company advancements should i look for? What degree should I earn to be most qualified for speech pathology? Is there an online course for this field?

How to improve my speaking confidence?
I’m a first generation student in this country. As I’ve started college this year, I’ve been noticing just how eloquent everyone sounds when they speak. From other students to interviewers. I’ve been getting really insecure about the way I speak, someone also recently told me that I speak in a “ very simple manner”. I just feel like I have nothing to say in most settings because I don’t think my responses will be as eloquent or fancy. What can I do to help improve my speech so I can feel like I can really contribute to a conversation? Thank you! #student #college #publicspeaking #speech #presentation #confidence #career #business

what is it like to talk to a deaf person as a speech-language pathologist?
I was learning how to do sign language and i was just wondering how like the deaf and blind person understand it #supportthedeafandblind #speech-therapy #speech #asl #slp #speech-pathology

To complete a masters in speech language pathology and audiology, what are the prerequisites?
#speech-therapy #speech

How to prepare for SLP clinical fellowship year interview?
What are some tips for preparing for a Speech-Language Pathology clinical fellowship year interview? #SpeechLanguagePathology #SLP #interviews #SpeechTherapy #speech-pathology #speech #clinical #fellowship

I love performing, what jobs would consist of being / speaking in front of people?
I love performing, whether it's theater, speech, or just making an announcement in front of church. I know that acting isn't necessarily a steady career, so what other areas could I put this passion into? #Publicspeaking #performing #speech #performing #people

What is the most challenging, yet rewarding aspects of becoming a Speech Language Pathologist? At what point did you know that this career was meant to be.
I am a Speech Language Pathology major seeking for advice about the field. #Speech #Language #Speech Therapist #Speech # #speech-pathology

How can I gear my speech pathology education to be more specific towards a school system?
#Speech #path #school #speech-pathology #communication #school #education #speech-therapy

What is it is like being your own boss?
My ultimate goal is to become a speech therapist and help children in elementary schools work on their speech disorders. One reason I job this job is because many times, speech therapists are self-employed, and this is important to me. What is it like being self-employed? #speech-pathology #speech #speech-therapy #self-starter #self-driven

Where is the typical workplace for a speech pathologist?
I would like to get my masters degree in speech pathology. To my understanding, speech pathologists work in schools, hospitals and other medical offices. I really hope I get the opportunity to work with children. What are my chances of get my job at a school? #speech-pathology #speech #speech-therapy #student-engagement #location

What is the best way to stand out to graduate schools?
I am finishing up my bachelor's degree in biology in the spring of 2018. I would like to move on to graduate school and get a masters in speech pathology. What should I make sure I have completed by the end of my undergraduate career in regards to internships, volunteer work, etc? #biology #graduate-school #graduate #speech-pathology #speech #speech-therapy

What is the starting salary for a speech pathologist?
I am a junior studying biology in the Boston area, and would like to move on to get my masters in speech pathology. What is the starting pay in my area? #speech-pathology #speech #speech-therapy #speech-language-pathology #financial-planning

What were classes like in college for a speech pathology major?
This is the major I'm pursuing. #speech-pathology #speech #speech-language

What is the life of a Speech Pathologist/Communication Disorder Specialist like?
I aspire to be a speech therapist and communication disorder specialist. I want to work with people and help them find great ways to communicate their emotions effectively. #communication #speech-pathology #speech #speech-language