Career questions tagged trains

How to become a Train Conductor?
Share your journey & guide aspiring Train Conductors on their path! Note: Given the growing interest in the transportation field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

What is it like to operate a train?
I want to be a train conductor when I grow up, so I want to know what I am getting myself into.

What goes into being a Locomotive Engineer?
I have completed a college course and received a certificate in locomotive engineering, but i don’t know where to take it from here. #engineer #locomotiveengineer #locomotive #trains

In the automotive field what dose it take to get into a specialty trait such as working at a race shop or working for the NHRA
I am 21 years old and have been working on cars since I was 15Ilove Volkswagen and small 4 cyl turbocharged vehicles. I plan on taking an advanced automotive class but don't know what i really want to do with it. #automotive #turbo #cars #planes #trains #automobiles