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Carrie Reyna, MBA’s Avatar

Carrie Reyna, MBA

Director, Treasury Operations
Management Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Missouri City, Texas
26 Answers
37454 Reads
51 Karma

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Steven’s Avatar
Steven Dec 16, 2023 1626 views

How can i get a mentor to help pursue my career?

I am a 10th grade atudent interested in pursuing accounting or economics or its relations.

denae’s Avatar
denae Dec 16, 2023 690 views

How will high school help me out in the long run ?

Right now high school is very hard and I want to give up but I want to know how it would really help me when I get older.

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Apr 28, 2023 1478 views

What are the best ways to show colleges your interest in accounting?

I have wanted to be an account for around 5 years, I want to show my interest in accounting to colleges through extracurriculars, essays, and interviews. How can I achieve this?

Israel’s Avatar
Israel Apr 16, 2023 798 views

What are some ways i could save money and not impulse buy?

I've been struggling with impulse buying and my paychecks are mostly going out due to the way I have been spending my money.

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Apr 05, 2023 1526 views

How do you create a good resume?

I am a Senior in high school and I want to know how to create one know so that I wont have to worry later.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Mar 22, 2023 560 views

How does one gain financial literacy skills?

This is part of our professionals series where we ask professionals what they think students should know

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Mar 22, 2023 1579 views

How do you maintain your mental health if you have a high-pressure/stressful career?

This is part of our professionals series where we ask professionals what they think students should know

Sofia’s Avatar
Sofia Mar 20, 2023 927 views

How much of interaction with other workers I'd have in the finance field?

I don't like being alone, working all day staring at a screen without social interactions but mainly without making friends (colleagues don't count), it scares me a lot.

Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Mar 03, 2023 758 views

What are some examples of careers related to finance?

I am interested in finance but don't know many career options at the moment. I'm also wondering what college courses would be helpful in this field.

Sebastian’s Avatar
Sebastian Feb 17, 2023 1026 views

Why do billionaires want to make so much money?

I dont understand why the super rich people want to make even more money when they are already set for many generations, what kinds of benefits are there in being so rich?

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Jan 31, 2023 2000 views

College Interview Advice?

I have a college interview coming up and was told to prepare questions. What are unique ideas of things I could ask, mostly pertaining to UCLA's music industry major? Also, do you have interview tips?

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Nov 09, 2022 1293 views

Is the stress of being an accountant manageable?

I'm looking into going into accounting and finance, but don't have an idea of specifically what job I would want. When thinking about accounting, I think of sitting in an office all day and simply doing whatever it is you do for your company. Is the stress manageable or hard to handle?

Patricia’s Avatar
Patricia Jul 31, 2021 709 views

What are some tips that I get to become a successful business woman?

I want to be rich, be my own boss and have a successful business. #business #boss # millionaire

Alishia’s Avatar
Alishia Nov 30, 2020 661 views

What techniques could I use to help me improve my grammar?

I would like to better my vocabulary and how I write my sentences. #help

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Dec 01, 2020 995 views

What are some options for someone who might drop out of college and who would like to become a teacher?

Asking on behalf of a friend who might need to take some time off due to mental health challenges <3

#college #career-change #college-drop-out #teaching #education #mental-health