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Vineeth Abraham’s Avatar

Vineeth Abraham

Consultant, Program / Project manager
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
21 Answers
52161 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

Joy Clarisse’s Avatar
Joy Clarisse May 13, 2016 1503 views

How did you get to be successful in youth ministry?

I am going to college to get an M. Div in Pastoral Studies and I plan to be a youth minister. How do I make sure I can be successful in this? #leadership #youth #ministry #youth-ministry #youth-leadership #christian #ordained-ministry #youth-advocacy

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 28, 2016 3143 views

What can I do to gain more leadership experience in college?

From the start of college, I have joined many clubs and organizations to get involved. However, lately I've been stressing out because every time I desire to join a committee or become a board member, I never quite succeed. Will not obtaining leadership positions hinder my potential to...

Nikki’s Avatar
Nikki Feb 10, 2017 1326 views

Is teaching a good choice for me

I love teaching and leadership #teaching #music #leadership

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Mar 14, 2018 880 views

How do I go about creating my own Company in the Engineering Industry?

Being enrolled in the Drexel Co-op program has given me the incites that I am grateful for experiencing before I enter the workforce. As I near the end of my last Co-op, I have realized that a 9am-5pm job is not for me. Being self employed has always been a dream of mine. #leadership...

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Mar 25, 2018 3019 views

How do I devote my career to serving others while making sure I'm financially stable and independent?

My college education has been rich in genuine service, social action, and giving back to my campus and my community. I have loved every second of this experience because I thrive on interacting with new people and I want to change the world. I truly believe people can make an impact and I want...

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Mar 06, 2020 2069 views

Where can an introverted student gain leadership experience?

#volunteer #networking #leadership #internship #introverts

Sivakumar’s Avatar
Sivakumar Mar 19, 2019 2797 views

I am moving back to India ? How do I cope up with this new environment

I am moving back to India ? How do I cope up with this new environment #moving #India #career

Archit’s Avatar
Archit Apr 22, 2019 6961 views

Want to study Cloud Computing, don't know where to start from?

I want to study Cloud Computing and develop it as a career afterwards, but the main obstacle I come across is from where I should start, I've searched on google and quora but most of the answers are related to data science or AWS. It's very confusing as I cannot understand what I want to do in...

Polina’s Avatar
Polina May 22, 2020 1954 views

How much education should you include in a CV / resume?

Hi, I was wondering what the amount of education that should be included in a resume / CV. I was always under the impression that everything should be included, so in my case as a student in the UK, I would include everything from my GCSE's, A-Levels and then my university / college degree....

Tylar’s Avatar
Tylar May 24, 2020 804 views

Is being a SW Engineer hard?


Balram’s Avatar
Balram Apr 28, 2016 1429 views

How do I become a Software Engineer ?

I am in 10th Class and i love to work on diffrent Projects releted to computers. I have design Websites, Blogs, Youtube Channel and Mobile App.
#engineer #software-engineering #computer-software #software

Tylar’s Avatar
Tylar May 25, 2020 4847 views

Do Most Software Engineers enjoy their job?

#software #engineer #software-engineering #computer-software

Paridhi’s Avatar
Paridhi May 26, 2020 792 views

What are the steps in establishing, and scaling an organization?

#non-profit #business #organization #entrepreneur # #marketing #finance #business-management

Tylar’s Avatar
Tylar May 26, 2020 9416 views

Should I become a doctor or an engineer?

I am 12 years old and I dream of living in NY when I'm older but the cost of living in the city can be very expensive. Doctors get paid a lot more than engineers, but being a doctor can be time consuming and stressful. So I just want to know which choice would be better. I want to know how long...

Skaa’s Avatar
Skaa May 27, 2020 1045 views

Hey! currently I am pursuing a Bachelors degree in marine engineering but I think my interest lies in data science and analytics. I am a college sophomore. Please advice.

#college #science