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David Browne’s Avatar

David Browne

Software Development Intern
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Dublin, County Dublin
23 Answers
45921 Reads
32 Karma

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Vilma’s Avatar
Vilma Mar 17, 2020 895 views

How will COVID-19 effect my first semester of college?

I have a lot of questions such as: Should I expect my first semester as college to be online? How does this affect my financial aid? Will I need to still pay the full tuition price? Will I be required to still live on campus (or will I even be able to)? What should I expect in these next few...

RONG’s Avatar
RONG Jul 19, 2020 993 views

How to continue study while stay with a Toddler during the Covid-19 pademic?

#COVID-19 #Childcare #selfstudy #exper #mechanical #technical #JULY20

Tylar’s Avatar
Tylar May 25, 2020 4968 views

Do Most Software Engineers enjoy their job?

#software #engineer #software-engineering #computer-software

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Mar 23, 2020 933 views

what are some approaches you can take to find a decent job in the midst of this unprecedented event?

I am currently looking for a data analyst and data scientist internship position for this upcoming summer 2020, possibly in the West LA area. I wanted to know how I can improve my chances of getting an internship/job

#COVID-19 #internship #data-analysis #data-science

Erick’s Avatar
Erick Mar 20, 2020 3083 views

Is it even worth it to look for an internship for this summer?

I was looking for an accounting internship but with #COVID-19 is it even worth my time?

#accounting #internship

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Mar 25, 2020 2279 views

Given the increased need to work from home, I was wondering what sort of factors should I keep in mind while finding/working in an online/virtual internship?

I'm specifically interested in finance, consulting, and non profit work

#internship #finance #consulting #nonprofit #COVID-19

Kathy’s Avatar
Kathy Aug 19, 2020 2276 views

What does a software testing engineer do and how do you become one?

I'm learning html, css and javascript on my own and starting to look at job postings to see which areas of technology most interest me. I thought I'd be going the route of web development but I came across a post for a Manual Automation Tester and it sounds so interesting. Here's the...

Yuri’s Avatar
Yuri Apr 22, 2020 2190 views

With COVID-19, will possible for me to work or study abroad in the near future?

#study-abroad #work-abroad #COVID-19

Naila’s Avatar
Naila Aug 19, 2020 1011 views

What is the hardest decision on deciding on a career?

I love to keep myself occupied and learning. #career

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy May 12, 2020 4713 views

What's a good coding language to start with?

It's part of my major, I want to start now learning it, so it will be easy to understand when classes open again?

#computer #major #information-technology #technology #computer-software #coding #codingcamp #bootcamp #COVID19 #career #college #student

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jul 30, 2020 1392 views

Networking virtually?

What are some tips for networking with potential employers when everything is online?

#JULY20 #law #covid19 #virtual #legal #july

Beatriz’s Avatar
Beatriz Jun 20, 2020 1842 views

Do you need math to be an effective programmer?

I'm curious about the possibility of being a programmer. However, I'm not good with logic or math and haven't understood Python based on some free classes I've seen of it. #math #computer #programming

Tsz Ho’s Avatar
Tsz Ho Feb 13, 2020 2021 views

Should I learn Python or R or other programming language?

I'm a college student in Economics and Finance. Right now I am quite good at Excel VBA and I want to learn one more programming language to give me an advantage in finding jobs. It seems to me that Python and R have their own strengths and weaknesses but I'm not too sure about it. #job-search...

Chantay’s Avatar
Chantay Jul 30, 2020 2016 views

How do you know that the career you are pursuing, is the career that you actually want to pursue?

One of my biggest fears in life, is that I’m on the wrong track and that I won’t actually find out that I’m on the wrong track, until it’s the end of the road. At the moment I’m pursuing a degree in international business, but often feel like my heart is in digital communication and/or...

Effie’s Avatar
Effie Jun 12, 2020 4435 views

How should someone with no programming or coding background and knowledge start programming and coding?

Are there certain websites for learning? What subjects should I start with? Which languages are the most beginner friendly? #programming #coding #technology #computer-science