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Keri Dunkelberger’s Avatar

Keri Dunkelberger

Sales and Related Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Seattle, Washington
20 Answers
21664 Reads
32 Karma

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David’s Avatar
David Mar 24, 2020 2004 views

My school district has shut down for an extra week in my area due to COVID-2019 which isn't a big deal. As a senior tho it is hard to think that they might cancel school. I've been hearing rumors and even seeing in some news articles the state of Texas might postpone school for the rest of the year 2019-2020. I'm worried about how that'll affect me not gonna lie. Whether colleges think I failed to what job I apply for in the future... Any tips or advice? Thanks in advanced!

#college-advice #student #college #school #uncertain #covid-19

suki’s Avatar
suki Oct 05, 2020 940 views

How to construct a schedule while working for a full-time job and self-advancement at the same time

Hi Everyone:)) Good to tell you that I got offer as a temporary clerk so that I can afford myself a lunch now :) However, as the contract will be ended after 3months.Right now I am quite anxious to find the next stage to move on, I am planning to work on my Korean and other self-advancement...

Rebekah’s Avatar
Rebekah May 19, 2016 2004 views

How can I combine many interests into one career?

I just love to do so many things. The hard part is knowing which are viable career paths and which should remain hobbies. Maybe I can combine some of them to create something unique! I wouldn't mind starting my own business/organization to make that happen. Some of my top interests include:...

De'kaia’s Avatar
De'kaia Sep 04, 2020 672 views

I want to go to the Army and start my own business is that a good thing to do?

#general #soldier #business #father

David’s Avatar
David Aug 21, 2019 632 views

What related fields do you think I should think about looking into?

carpentry #career

jessica’s Avatar
jessica Sep 11, 2020 1188 views

FOB-How do i get better at communicating and presenting in business setting?

Hi I'm new in America and wonder how I can get better at leading discussions and presenting in meetings. I'm somewhat good in English but not as proficient as natives in storytelling. I'm afraid I already feel English has been a bottleneck in my internships. I don't want to be perceived as...

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Aug 27, 2019 1282 views

What is a good entry level job to start building work experience while on a Business Administration track?

I see myself as having the skills to be a strong leader in my professional future, but I want to start building the workplace experience to match and further develop those skills. What entry-level positions would give me relevant work experience that would be valued after completion of my...

dianenyelis’s Avatar
dianenyelis Oct 06, 2020 919 views

How can I be accepted to work online?

my name is dianenyelis I am 17 by 18, I really like to write short books and short stories, but what I like the most about literature is poetry and research papers and then make them public as tips or informative data. I study on the university ; in the career of public accounting #career #writing

Shekinah’s Avatar
Shekinah Feb 16, 2017 2633 views

What's life like in a singers point of view ?

I would just like to see how a singers everyday life goes . #singer #singing #sing #singers-career

Shekinah’s Avatar
Shekinah Feb 16, 2017 1349 views

What's it like to be a singer, and have an audience to perform in front of?

I would like to understand how other people feel on stage, while singing in front of an audience. #singer #singing #sing #singers-career

Marie’s Avatar
Marie Oct 06, 2020 1169 views

Is it possible to be a singer?

I love to sing and I have a dream to be a artist #singing #singer

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 26, 2016 4293 views

How did you choose what company to work for?

People say that figuring out what job you should do or even which industry you should work in is the hard part, but what about once you have? How do you choose what companies to apply at? What did you look for in a company? I am now at the stage where I'm looking for internships at tech...

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Nov 05, 2019 664 views

What kind of problems do you deal with in office administration?

I wanna know what type problems I will be dealing with in a office #any

Ignacio’s Avatar
Ignacio May 09, 2016 1652 views

How do I start my own business?

I want to be a business or franchise owner #business #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #ceo #franchise-leadership

Jonathan U’s Avatar
Jonathan U Oct 25, 2019 1448 views

If you could do it all over again, would your choose the same path for yourself? If not What would you changer what kinds of decisions do you make?

#career-choice #career-path