Walt Smith
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To be a game developer how many years would I need to be in college? Will I need a bachelor's degree or a masters degree in digital designs?
#gaming #game-development

is going to the marines good?
i like hands on stuff and it would be nice to serve my country #career

how can you make a game like minecraft?
i want to create the future minecraft #games

How can I and what I need to make my own game or a tv show animation
I can be creative about some of my stories and the advice is I actually want them to become real. Also want some help to make them real so, I want to make my own animation show and be a game designer for a company or myself
#game #anime

What are some useful skill/attributes for being a computer and information systems manager?

How to I become a computer IT Technician?
With the advancement of technology and computers the need for IT's has risen greatly and I was wondering what tools I need to study to become an IT. Is there anything I can do in high school to prepare for this job? #computers #IT #technician

As my background is science based still is it possible for me to get involved in an online part time businesses and with out any basic experiences?
As i belong to a poor family. So i just eant to help my mom out. #student-development #student-affairs

I want to pursue a career in the Video game industry, Help?
Video games have been a part of my life for a long time and every time i try to find an interest in something i always come back to gaming, I love Music and would love to become a sound designer but i don't know what is required or what to do to become one. #sound-design #video-games

I'm interested in designing a game and i don't know where to to start.
I'm a 11th grader who plays videogames almost everyday and was interested in designing my own video game but the problem is i don't know where to start. I was wondering do i start by learning coding or should i download a few software and start fiddling with the application. The games i usually...

What do you have to do to become a video game designer
i love games so i thought to my self why not make em? #video-game-production #video-games #gaming #games

what is the best programming language for drawing 3-D pictures?
I wanna design 3-D artifact with simple programming languages #programming #design #game-design #computer