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Ellen Rosenthal’s Avatar

Ellen Rosenthal

Retired Art Teacher
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Woodbridge, Virginia
239 Answers
212231 Reads
1072 Karma


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Aimee’s Avatar
Aimee Aug 12, 2018 650 views

How soon after university should I apply to grad schools ?

I definitely need to save up and work a few years before going back to school, but does waiting too long affect my eligibility to grad schools ?
#art #art history #biology #grad schools

Amelia’s Avatar
Amelia Apr 20, 2018 791 views

What secondary schools have the best or most acclaimed Technical Theatre Design and Production department

I plan on majoring in that field, I want a school that would grow my education instead of using my education as an excuse for free labor. I have a great standing knowledge on the matter, I want to earn expertise in this field. A school that starts with their student already knowing the basics....

Kennedy’s Avatar
Kennedy Jul 13, 2018 703 views

what are some good things for me to get involved in makeup art

Hi I am Kennedy and I am going to the 7th grade i want to know some good tips,university's,or camps for me to learn the basics of makeup art #makeup #art

Aubie’s Avatar
Aubie Jul 23, 2018 788 views

How much money could i earn from being an animator?

#Illustration #Animation #animator #art #animate #ineedmoney #HELP

lakeya’s Avatar
lakeya Jul 09, 2018 1004 views

What advice would you give a student that is majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Studio Arts with the goal of being an Industrial Designer?

I have a passion for innovation. I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Studio Arts. I am combining the two because it is my goal to be an Industrial Designer. Mechanical Engineering is teaching me how and why things work the way they do. Studio Arts is my creative outlet and...

Sebastian’s Avatar
Sebastian May 30, 2018 714 views

Do you think poor artist skills should discourage someone from pursing a career in fashion?

#artist #fashion-design #fashion #career-options

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle May 31, 2018 575 views

What Do You Do When You're Stuck In A Creative Slump?

Usually I get stuck in a creative block and sometimes it's hard to get out of, I'm worried that this might affect me harshly during my college years and/or my future career. What's the best way to prevent or get out of this slump?

#career #art #college

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla May 26, 2018 646 views

Are there any good art schools?

#art #arts

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey May 24, 2018 869 views

What would be the most beneficial degree for teaching college level art?

#art #arthistory #art-education #masters #doctorate #fine-art #arts

Tee’s Avatar
Tee May 17, 2018 1044 views

Are In-progress Project Pictures Good for my Portfolio?

I’m a fine arts major that doesn’t have many works under my belt. I would like to build a portfolio for internships and art related jobs (temporary). Is it advisable to add some pages of inspiration or progress pictures of my project if I don’t have many finish art pieces?

#portfolio #art

katie’s Avatar
katie May 11, 2018 640 views

Is going to an art college even worth it?

I love art and i've already gotten accepted into Savannah College of art and design which is one of the best out there but my mom thinks it's a waste of money. Should i go for it? I want to be a art therapist or something in advertising/education #art

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler May 08, 2018 974 views

When feeling discouraged, how do you find a way to motivate and inspire yourself?

I am a high school junior and a college sophomore. I have spent many hours looking at how I can transfer my college credits to other colleges and find scholarships to help pay for college. After looking at many scholarships, emailing schools, trying to find references, I feel I might not...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 08, 2018 1282 views

What are good ways to make money as a professional artist?

I'm studying to be an art teacher and I know that it'd hard to make it in the art world on selling your art alone, but I definitely want to make money on my art along with my job as a teacher. What are other ways to make money as an artist after earning a BFA or MFA? #art #artist #painting...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 07, 2018 812 views

How much money taken out for student loans is reasonable?

I'm going to school to be an art teacher, and I know I can get a job as a teacher after I graduate and start paying off my loans, but I don't know how much is too much to take out based on a teacher's salary.

#teaching #art #artist

Alexandria’s Avatar
Alexandria Jan 16, 2018 945 views

Should I major in Entrpreneurship?

I want to sell make wall art for homes, but I don’t if I should major in visual arts or Entrepreneurship. #major #women-in-business #business #entrepreneurship #college #art #visual-arts