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Simeon Snow’s Avatar

Simeon Snow

Risk Assurance
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Houston, Texas
1792 Answers
1801314 Reads
722 Karma


Civic Duty

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Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 22, 2020 1020 views

What tips and suggestions do you have when going to an interview (for college, jobs, etc.)

#jobs #interviews #job-search #job #career

Pakkapol’s Avatar
Pakkapol Jun 24, 2015 1648 views

What do I do to become a better cook

I want to know this because I love to cook and I like to make different food with the ingredients in front of me. I want to cook for my family cause I need to help them when I grow up. So please help me so I wont have to be helpless. Thank you #chef #family

Sadie’s Avatar
Sadie Jul 08, 2018 906 views

How do I chose what university to attend?

How do I decide between following my dreams of studying on the east coast, or staying on the west coast with my family? #family

Marisol’s Avatar
Marisol Jan 16, 2018 651 views

How do you use time management for school home, work and family?

Working fulltime and going to school taking 2 classes per semester. How do you manage the time between school, work, home and family? Looking for better ways to manage my time with everything so nothing falls short and i am able to still do things with my family and everything else....

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Jan 16, 2018 774 views

How to balance a full time job and a university schedule

I am a returning college student. I am a single mom to a wonderful 3 year old. I am getting closer to my associates degree at my community college but then looking to transfer to San Francisco state University but I still need to keep my job to care for my daughter. Can anyone help with advice...

Patricia’s Avatar
Patricia Jan 16, 2018 966 views

How do you balance kids and school and working?

I am a full time student and a single mom. My college is about 45 minutes away and I am struggling trying to find time for everything and still making sure I am with my kids everyday. Any advise. #wildlife-biology #parenting #work-life-balance #time-management

Kathryn’s Avatar
Kathryn Jan 16, 2018 853 views

I went Back to college at age 37. How do I manage my marriage and family without it falling apart while I study?

I’m worried my kids will be mad that I’m not spending enough time with them. #work-life-balance #parenting #nontraditional

bryant’s Avatar
bryant Jan 16, 2018 767 views

What are some important tips for starting a family early in your career?

If you would like to start a family but are fairly new in your career, what would be some actions take to ensure you would be able to accomplish both without affecting each other. Also, how do you decide on where to live with the new family. #family #career #work-life-balance #parenting

Kisan’s Avatar
Kisan Jan 17, 2018 1166 views

How to balance romance and studying?

How to balance romance and studying? #work-life-balance #time-management #family

Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Dec 17, 2016 1014 views

How does technology make a better employee?

At work, employees uses computers, printers, copy machines etc... How does that help the employee and our modern time efficiency? #business #computer #jobs #work-life-balance #efficiency

Tara’s Avatar
Tara Mar 24, 2015 2097 views

How are you able to balance your social life and your work life?

I am interested in Computer Science and it takes up a lot of your time. I want to be able to have time for myself, but time for my career also. #computer #work-life-balance #system-design

Krystal’s Avatar
Krystal Apr 06, 2018 859 views

What are some good summer jobs to have before going into your first year of college

I'm just curious

Ezra’s Avatar
Ezra Mar 07, 2015 1469 views

What's the best job that can pay off college?

I am just wondering because I am 6 grader.
I would like to pay of college with no loans.
I would like when I am 14 teen to get a workers permit.
That's only 2 years away.
I don't care if I work at a nursing home.
Just till I'm 16 and able to deliver pizza. #college #employment #work-life-balance

Connor’s Avatar
Connor Nov 05, 2020 638 views

How do I know what to be when I grow up?

I'm having trouble on what to be and its kind of bothering me a lot and I honestly have no clue anymore. #careerchoice #people #career-choice #jobs #job

Harley’s Avatar
Harley Aug 14, 2019 941 views

Im 20 years old, and i am lost as far as what i want to do for a career.

I am really into cars and racing, and anything that has to do with the outdoors, such as fishing, hunting, and many more. I love to build and work on things. growing up i was always told work shouldn't feel like work if you really love it. I would like to own a small online business in the...