Srigayathri’s Career Goals
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What is Material secience Engineerning?
i want to know more #teaching #computer

What is the importance of math?
i want to learn about maths
#doctor #teaching #mathematics

which college is perfect for studing teacher?
For my future #doctor #teaching

which is the best place for working as a teacher?
For my future #doctor #teaching

how become a sofware engineer?
i have learn about soft ware engineer
#engineer #computer #software

what want to study to became a good teacher?
i was intrest to teach to students #doctor #teaching #law #software

how to become a good teacher to students
i like teaching to students #doctor #engineer #teaching #nursing #mechanical-engineer

how to become a good teacher?
My ambition is teacher
#doctor #teaching #teacher

How can I become a professor?
My dream is to become a professor, and I would love to learn more about the career path I need to take. #education #higher-education #college #teaching

how to choose a career ?
What will be correct , which way shall i choose. which is now mostly moving courses in colleges ? Kindly help me #computer #3d-modeling #mac