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David Greco’s Avatar

David Greco

Student Intern
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Lawrence Township, New Jersey
7 Answers
3728 Reads
1 Karma

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Ms’s Avatar
Ms May 15, 2016 1106 views

Is it necessary to take 4 year education path in technology sector?

Or course specific education is a way to go? I would like to be able to program and later move into robotics field. #programming #robotics #robotics-engineer

Ayen’s Avatar
Ayen Aug 24, 2018 878 views

How has the advancement of technology negatively impacted the brains of young adults beginning college?

#programming #robotics


Noah’s Avatar
Noah Aug 30, 2018 762 views

Will founding a club and programming your own game get you a good chance at getting into the Ivy League?

I am currently in the process of these 2 things and I'm not sure how to beef up my chances of getting into Brown/Harvard. Do I stand a good chance with these under my belt + president of another club + solid Ivy level academics? Also I'm going into computer science, if that helps (or...

Dylan’s Avatar
Dylan May 24, 2018 949 views

How to get a good Starting point in the field of Game Design

So i'm looking to peruse a career in Video game design and currently gonna be a senior in high school and want to know a good starting point for getting into it before going off to college.
#gamedesign #games #computer-science #computer-graphics #programming #game-design #design

Kemi’s Avatar
Kemi Dec 23, 2016 931 views

What are some of the most common jobs after graduating from college for computer science people?

I want to know what kind of jobs that most people go for with a computer science degree after graduating. #computer-science

Asia’s Avatar
Asia Apr 15, 2018 969 views

How can I study for the AP Computer Science Principals Exam

This is a relatively new course with relatively little to no information and I am really nervous about taking the exam and could use a little help #AP #ap-testing #testing #test #computer-science #studying #study-skills

Susan’s Avatar
Susan Oct 30, 2016 922 views

What are the differences between a computer science and a computer engineering degree in regards to careers?

I am having trouble choosing between a computer science and a computer engineering degree. I understand the difference is a few classes. Yet what are the differences in opportunity between the two? #engineering #computer-engineering #computers #computerscience