Eryx’s Career Goals
I want to become a 2d animator and a radiologist.

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What are common information about diagnostic radiology?
I am interested in diagnostic radiology. #biomedical-engineering

what science courses should I be taking to become a radiologist?
I would like to know what will help me prepare. #science

What's there to know about radiology?
I want to become both a radiologist and a 2d animator. I have not done much research into radiology so I would like to know a lot about it. #research #medical

How can I effectively use timing in animation?
I am not sure when a character or object should move in some situations. #animation

What are some ways to practice posture and movements in animation?
I am having trouble and need help #animation

What are some requirements to know about 2d animation?
Senior in high school and want to make animations #animation

What should I include in my portfolio to become a 2d animator.
I am a senior in high school and want to build a portfolio #animation #animator #design #art #graphic-design #video-games

What steps are there to become a 2d animator?
I am a senior in high school and I am interested in 2d animation. #animation #animation