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I want to be a cyber security guru, however; the cost of tuition is extravagant. How did you avoid becoming discouraged?
I have pretty much settled on 3 universities that I am very interested in attending. Each one is more expensive than the other. My parents cannot afford to pay the $200,000 tuition costs. The underpriviledged have federal aid and grants that do not have to be repaid. The wealthy have deep...

Is it best to take the path of Business Cyber Security or under Computer Science Cyber Security?
During a college visit at UTSA, one element of cyber security was under the umbrella of the School of Business. The other was under the umbrella of Computer Sciene. Which would you recommend as the best path to follow? #business #science #computer #security #cyber

How much does Ethical Hacking Pay
I was quite interested in the Cyber Security field of Ethical Hacking and I was wondering how much money they usually pay. #it #hacking #cyber #cyber-defense #ethical-hacking

If I don't know as much as my high school peers about tech, will I be behind in college?
The high school I currently attend doesn't have tech classes that delve into the topics of cyber security (or what cyber even is, for that matter), computer programming, or the basic fundamentals of how computers are built. Over the summer, I was chosen as a participant for the GenCyber Program...

What can I do to prepare and acquire a cyber security internship?
I'm halfway through my first year in my Cyber Security Master's program and I want to take any necessary steps to obtain the experience that I need to acquire a great job after graduation. I've never had any experience with applying to internships, specifically in cyber security and related...

What are some jobs relevant to cyber security that I can acquire while attending graduate school ?
I'm in my first year of my cybersecurity graduate program and I want to obtain a part-time job working in roles related to cybersecurity. I'm wondering what kinds of positions I should be looking for that will allow me to obtain relevant experience. I would like something that will better...

Computer science vs Cybersecurity BS?
My school offers a BS in Computer Science and a BS in Cybersecurity. No specializations, they are their own separate BS degrees. They offer similar classes in the beginning, but then change and become more focused near the end. I am wanting to know, if anyone knows, what each field is like? For...

What classes will better prepare me for the emerging market of IT Security?
College courses or private course
#college #college-major #college-admissions #student #IT #Security #cyber #databreach #computer-engineering #writing

Which Online Unitveristy for Cyber should I choose ?
Hello fellows, I have decided to get a bachelor's into Cybersecuirty, but I've been confusing with three (3) online universities which one of them has strong curriculum for Cyber, so I listed links of the three universities hereunder and I am looking for expertise or for anyone who has IT...

What are the programming languages I should master before entering the workforce as a entry-level penetration tester?
#programming #computer #technology #computer-science #cyber