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Makarand Annaldas’s Avatar

Makarand Annaldas

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Pune, Maharashtra, India
6 Answers
16177 Reads
42 Karma

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Roselyn’s Avatar
Roselyn Mar 05, 2024 2455 views

How Can I Get More Traffic to my small Art Website?

I have a website where I'd like to begin selling my art, and I'd like to know how I can get more traffic to it!

This is my site:

Tabarak’s Avatar
Tabarak Aug 01, 2023 10064 views

What is the best website to learn coding/programming ?

What is the best website to learn coding/programming such as Python and Javascript which is free and includes a certificate? I am looking to potentially create an AI chatbot and/or a game.

Melinda’s Avatar
Melinda Oct 26, 2022 616 views

Which programming languages should I focus on?

I am a junior in high school. I want to pursue a career as a software engineer. I'm currently in a fellowship where I'm learning basic web development languages and React, but I want to have more languages under my belt. Which languages would be best for me to focus my time on?

zackery’s Avatar
zackery Feb 14, 2017 1242 views

how do I get into web design

Want to get ready for the future #technology #web-design

Paridhi’s Avatar
Paridhi Jul 24, 2020 1820 views

What are the differences between Wix, Go Daddy, and WordPress website builders? Pros & cons?

#technology #website-development #entry-level #Wix #go-daddy #wordpress #web-design #website-design #web-development #website #organization #nonprofit #front-end

Marc Kenny’s Avatar
Marc Kenny Aug 15, 2019 1612 views

How do I become a graphic designer?

#GraphicDesign #design #art #computer #web-design #graphic-design