Career questions tagged graphicdesign

Graphic design path
What type of jobs can a Graphic design Major lead me to? How to find internships for Graphic design to learn more skills? I am based in Brooklyn NY (but only turning 16 in October)

What is an estimate of your average pay per year?
#photography #graphicdesign #interiordesign

How do you market your buisness?
#photography #graphicdesign #interiordesign

How many hours a week do you work?
#photography #graphicdesign #interiordesign

I know for a fact that i want to be a graphic designer now. Can someone help me breakdown the different jobs that are under that category?
So I know that I want to be a graphic designer now, I've made a video for my school and I've made personal videos, I've taken pictures and figured out somewhat how to use a camera. I figured out how to use simple picture editing software, as well as simple video editing software and I've learned to use drawing software as well and I'm still learning new tricks every day when it comes to all of those. I like video editing and drawing on my computer the most. So I would like it if someone could break it down for me. Under the category of a graphic designer, I know that there are plenty of other jobs so if someone could break down one or two of those jobs into what it actually is, so that way I have a better understanding of it that would be great! #college #career #help #teaching #advice #graphicdesign #jobs #job

Tell me about how to reach global carreer
#graphicdesign #graphic-design #business #graphic-design #career #people #publicrelations #internationalaffairs

How can I choose a profitable career when my interests don’t align with many?
I’m an upcoming senior in high school and I’m starting to seriously consider my future path. My issue is that my interest in the preforming and fine arts outweighs much of anything else, and From what I know those Aren’t fields that often get paid very much. I enjoy designing and drafting so I was looking at careers in the architectural and graphic design fields, but I hold more passion for fiction writing than I do Math. My other interests are things like theater, music (theory and performance) I do find things like psychology interesting, but that field deals with directly helping people, and jobs like that, (teacher, therapist, psychiatrist,) would be awful for me. So I’m at a huge roadblock. Any help? #arts #music #career #career-choice #help #architecture #graphicdesign #starvingartist #decisions #stuck #confused #help # #psychology #profitable #money

How do I become a graphic designer?
#GraphicDesign #design #art #computer #web-design #graphic-design

Is a graphic design major worth more than a communication major ?
#college #advice #major #communication #graphicdesign #college-major #design #art #college-major #video-game-design

Is a graphic design major worth more than a communication major?
#college #advice #major #communication #graphicdesign #college-major

Would it be good to study web design in London?
I want to be a web and graphic designer. I’m an American student. Is it a good idea? Or is programming overseas difficult. Also is it difficult for an American student to study in London?#webdesign #london #graphicdesign #international #studyabroad #webdesigner #britain #graphic-design #interior-design #webdevolopment #graphic-design #design #computer-software

Taking inspiration from Childish Gambino, how can I have a more open rounded and creative career like him?
Childish Gambino is a one of a kind person and truly feels like getting to a spot to where he is is very difficult to get to. I want to be able to have the same creative freedom as him. I want to be able to make songs and music and direct shows the way he does. What steps can I take to become an individual that an pursue a more creative path? I thoroughly enjoy making and producing music, but I don't know the proper steps since I'm considerable concerned with not being able to financially support myself if businesses are not interested in me. #actor #musicproducer #producer #singer #graphicdesign

I'm in the 11th grade and I've already started exploring my future career, what are some skills I need to be developing in graphic designing based on my passions and interests?
At school, during my freshmen year, I was starting to get interested in visual arts and designing my own things. During the middle of the year, an art academy came to visit my school during career day, I saw many things that school had to offer referring to my career that I want to pursue. Then, in the middle of February, I got to visit the campus and check out the different fields, like the music production, visual art and many other fields, that were interesting. I've heard of different other art schools in the Bay Area, that I want to check out also, like Cogswell College and California College of the Arts. What are some more helpful tips for me in the near future? What are some other things I can do in the graphic design field? #graphicdesign #art #fine-art #digital-art #design #visual-arts

I'm a graphic designer, but I can't draw. Will this hurt me?
I'm a graphic designer (think layouts, typography graphics, and aesthetic designs) but I've never been able to draw. Seeing as that's a big part of designing, will this hurt me in a real world setting? Might be important to note that I do actually also have a background in photography, so I could take original images, just can't draw. #graphicdesign #graphics #illustration #digital-illustration #graphic-design

What are some challenges, you face from time to time, in the career field, graphic design and how did you face it?
I am a senior at KIPP: Renaissance High School, in New Orleans , Louisiana. I had a few questions in mind about my career field, graphic design. I know it's not all peaches and cream, but just wanted to know what were some of the challenges, that someone faced and what you did to face it. #graphicdesign #art #graphic-design #graphic-designer