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Daniel Vazquez’s Avatar

Daniel Vazquez

Union, New Jersey
5 Answers
4186 Reads
1 Karma

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Theodore’s Avatar
Theodore Sep 13, 2024 1587 views

What kind of a career in business should I pursue?

I consider myself an "advocate" personality, meaning I would best be suited being creative, helping out my team, and collaborating with others rather than working at a computer all day.

Uche’s Avatar
Uche Sep 22, 2024 2524 views

What is the best entry-level role for someone looking to start a career in marketing within the tech, finance, or media industries?

What is the best entry-level role for someone looking to start a career in marketing within the tech, finance, or media industries? Also, is it possible to transition between these sectors, or is it more beneficial to specialize in one area throughout your career?

Ian’s Avatar
Ian Mar 05, 2019 801 views

How will new technology advance education? #tech

Tech Week Scholarship

#tech #education #edtech

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Jan 20, 2021 695 views

How would I start a buisness as a teenager?

I am looking to start a tech support and repair business. How would I go about starting this? #tech #computer #management

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Oct 06, 2021 1033 views

What are some technology companies that include Social Justice as one of their core values?

I'm a senior in high school and am passionate about incorporating Social Justice with technology. I would love to learn about tech companies that I could possibly intern for or work for after college that involves Social Justice in their work! Thanks :) #technology #socialjustice...