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Kimmyari’s Avatar
Kimmyari Jan 22, 2021 601 views

We're taught that if you don't go to college you can't be successful. I don't believe that. If I was to decide that I don't want to go to college but still want to learn, what's the best way to do that?

#college #freshman

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jan 24, 2018 965 views

What are some secret tips for an inbound college student?

I need some advice on this from real college students, past or present ! Any advice would be great! #college #freshman

Kelly ’s Avatar
Kelly May 17, 2016 1302 views

What is the most important thing about your freshman year of college?

Next year I will start my freshman year of college. #college #freshman

Shuk Man’s Avatar
Shuk Man Apr 17, 2022 1450 views

What can I do in the summer to help me prepare for my freshman year of college?

from highs school senior

Ingrid’s Avatar
Ingrid Mar 01, 2022 708 views

How do I know what college to attend?

Hi, more recently I have been looking into college more and I am wondering simply what to look for. I know that looking for a college can be stressful, and I am wondering if there are any minor details that you, or others you know, may have overlooked when choosing the right college. So, I'm...

Cassidy’s Avatar
Cassidy Jan 13, 2018 1043 views

Which college should I go to?

I am deciding between Harding University and the University of Alabama. Harding is smaller and farther away, but it simply feels like home and I know a lot of people there that would make my college experience more fun and comfortable. My best friend and brother go there as well. However, there...

Eboni’s Avatar
Eboni Feb 18, 2022 746 views

(College Student) Are you supported by an academic advisor? In what ways has that been helpful to you and how has your experience could have been made better?

#college #college-advice #college-bound #college-selection

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Apr 15, 2022 1589 views

Are there benefits to doing extra curricular activities in college?

I know that doing extracurricular activities in high school help with getting into a better college but once I'm in college is there any real benefits that they give me other than personal things?

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Apr 15, 2022 2580 views

Should I choose the college that's better overall or better for my major?

I sometimes wonder if my major will be better in a college that's deemed worse compared to other colleges and so should I go with the college that is considered better, or the college that is better for my major.

Que’s Avatar
Que Feb 02, 2022 336 views

Will there be people there to help me?


Monica’s Avatar
Monica Mar 16, 2020 723 views

What are some growth areas in this field and what impact is that likely to have on job opportunities?

#office #administration

Monica’s Avatar
Monica Mar 16, 2020 897 views

How do most people enter this profession or field?

#Office #Administration

Valerie’s Avatar
Valerie Apr 14, 2022 521 views

interview questions office and admisnstration

What made you choose this specific career out of the many options? What do you love most and dislike about your job? Does your job affect in general your lifestyle?

stephen’s Avatar
stephen Aug 21, 2019 899 views

What kind of work atmosphere should i expect on any job site?

#job #career #career-development

Kay’s Avatar
Kay May 05, 2016 1400 views

What are the best jobs to have while in high school?

I want my resume to be impressive, even when i'm young. What are the best jobs to have on your resume going into college? Which jobs will give me the most valuable experiences? #career #human-resources #career-development

Dan’s Avatar
Dan Apr 28, 2016 1684 views

What are a few jobs at your company that I probably have never heard of?

I have no idea what I want to do, so i'm always trying to learn more about what career options are out there. I want to learn about new careers, ones I probably haven't ever heard of. Any ideas or information would help, thanks. #business #technology #human-resources #career-development

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 16, 2016 2122 views

What jobs in technology enable you to work remotely?

Hi! My name is Anina, and I'm a high school senior interning at Career Village. It sounds so cool when I hear that people work from home or wherever they want, but still work full time jobs. How can I find a job like that? Are they hard to find and get? Do you like working alone? I am very...

Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin Apr 08, 2022 704 views

Would I look bad if I start a business without having a degree in college?

Hi, I'm a junior in high school and I was wondering if not having any degree for college/high school effect the chances of hiring people that do have degrees/have the experience, as I want to go straight into business as soon as I finish high school. Wonderings I had were would I be looked...

Jessie’s Avatar
Jessie Apr 03, 2022 481 views

Internships/Research in College

I'm planning to take on some internships related to biomedical engineering when I am in college. What are some ways I can seek entry-level internships/research positions for the first time?

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Jan 26, 2016 1375 views

I"m kinda stuck in between 3 different careers. And I"m not sure which one best suits me. I would like some advise on how to choose a career

I'm asking because, this is my junior year in high school and I would like to have one career in mind so I could start looking into colleges that offer that career. #training #hands-on-experience #observational-research

Joel’s Avatar
Joel Apr 19, 2018 775 views

Do you have internships for high school students ? #highschool

Thinking on getting hands-on and experience #internships #hands-on-experience

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Apr 05, 2022 448 views

Events for mechanical engineering?

Are there any big events having to do with mechanical engineering that I could possibly look into, I would prefer something more hands-on?

Shaylee’s Avatar
Shaylee Jul 13, 2018 989 views

Is this a good job to have if you have a really busy schedule?

If you do a lot of things to do in a single day or week is this the right job to have? #job-market #jobs #first-job

Grant’s Avatar
Grant Dec 01, 2020 1285 views

Once I'm out of college how do I find a job

#jobs #job-search #first-job #job-market

kenny’s Avatar
kenny Mar 15, 2021 815 views

do you regret your choice of what job you chose?

#job-market #job #first-job #jobs

Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie Mar 09, 2017 1395 views

How do I manage time effectively?

I am a junior in high school and one skill that i need to grasp is time management. I am a person who is always hyperactive but I also get distracted a lot and I want to know what it takes to manage my time more effectively. I ask this because I still need to learn how to finish my schoolwork...

Erykah’s Avatar
Erykah Apr 25, 2018 1267 views

What college extracurriculars should I focus on?

I'm starting college in the fall and am wondering what type of extracurriculars I should do. I'm aware of the many types that my school offers but I want to know how my time would be best spent as a pre-med student. I will of course do what I find enjoyable but I also want to know of any...

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Mar 20, 2018 1659 views

How time consuming are Extracurricular activities in college?

High school activities are often a big commitment. For someone in college for engineering will it be too much? #extracurriculars #time-management

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Sep 06, 2021 623 views

How can I fine "the" job for me?

I'm wondering what key things you should look for when looking for the perfect job for yourself #job-search #job #internship

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Dec 08, 2020 1139 views

how do i know what job is meant for me

#job #jobs #first-job