Shiri Fitzgerald
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When should I start searching for colleges?
I am a junior in high school, and feel like I should maybe start searching, but I'm not completely sure. would like some other opinions.

How can you stay consistent with a routine?
How can you stay consistent with a routine?

How did you improve your communication skills?
As a freshman I'm not very social which makes it pretty hard to talk to someone new.

In your career, was there any obstacles that almost drove you away?
There are always cons to a job, but was there anything bad enough that almost made you stop what you love to do?

Should I go to college with the ROTC or just go straight to the military?
I don't fully understand the ROTC but my uncle has said some things about his experience and I'm unsure about what to do. #military #college #career

Career-wise, what sort of balance should I strike between passion and money?
This upcoming fall, I will be going off to college and there has been a lot of pressure from family and other adults for me to choose a major that will help me eventually land job that makes a lot of money. I'm still very unsure about where I want to take my future and I want to keep exploring,...

How long did it take you to both pay and complete your degree?
work while you were studying? How to save to pay for your career? when he exercised his career had he already finished paying?

What is a good first step to take when you realize the field you got your Bachelor's Degree in has a low demand job wise in the job market?
Alyssa.24. Currently employed in the Legal/Law Field. Recent College Graduate. #college #careers

What made you decide that a career in STEM was a good fit for you? What (or who) in particular influenced this?
I am asking this due to my curiosity about what causes individuals to pick their career paths. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #stem #women-in-stem #women-in-tech

What is the 1 book you would suggest everyone reads in their lifetime?
I'm making it a personal goal to read for 30 minutes daily again, and am looking for some quality material. Anything related to science, technology, or woman's history are very interesting to me. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #women-in-tech #reading #women-in-engineering #books

What is being a remote worker like?
For those you of doing remote work, what is is like overall? 1. What kind of work do you do? (contractor, employee, etc.) 2. In regards to work hours, is it more flexible compared to working on site? 3. How are you compensated? (salary, commission, etc.) 4. What is the earning potential of...