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RAEVOHN’s Avatar


Calumet City, Illinois
3 Questions
116 Karma

RAEVOHN’s Career Goals

I want to be an anesthesiologist technician in Illinois working for a hospital that has a very good or stron reputation

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RAEVOHN’s Avatar
RAEVOHN May 16, 2022 666 views

As an Anesthesiologist Technician how do you deal with stress in fast paced environments?

I would really like to know how anyone in the field of Anesthesiology deal with stress on the job as an Anesthesiologist Technician! I know things can move really fast and take unexpected turns at any moment.

RAEVOHN’s Avatar
RAEVOHN May 16, 2022 680 views

What are the most beneficial courses required to become an Anesthesiologist Technician?

I'm very curious which courses are most vital to your success in the career of an Anesthesiologist Technician so, I could know which courses i need to dedicate most of my attention in.

RAEVOHN’s Avatar
RAEVOHN May 16, 2022 619 views

What are the most common weaknesses in the field of Anesthesiology Technicians?

I am asking about the most common weaknesses in the field of Anesthesiologist Technicians so i can focus on what most technicians commonly struggle with.