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Dario Lita’s Avatar

Dario Lita

Logistic operator & University student in Economics
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
6 Answers
9518 Reads
2 Karma
Emery’s Avatar
Emery Jul 09, 2022 819 views

What is information available for a forklift Driver?

Thank you for agreeing to this informational interview. My name is Emery. I am a Job Corps student at the Milwaukee center, and I am reaching out to you because I believe I would enjoy a career in Material Handling, and I would appreciate your perspective on the practical aspects of working in...

Amente’s Avatar
Amente Jul 07, 2022 1203 views

College football athlete

As a athlete how do I prepare for college football.

Kiana’s Avatar
Kiana Jul 05, 2022 1276 views

I'm an editor and I want to share my edits online but sometimes I don't have the motivation or time to do so. What should I do?

How to keep myself motivated?

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Jul 02, 2022 1005 views

How do I become a zookeeper?

What is the best way to become a zookeeper?

Shaina’s Avatar
Shaina Jul 01, 2022 2388 views

What do I need to take note during my internship?

I plan on taking note of my internship experience or track with Notion. What type of pages should I create? Currently, I have meeting notes and daily weekly reviews...What else should I add?


LeAndrew’s Avatar
LeAndrew Jun 28, 2022 503 views

How long does it take to study before getting a in that field

I have a question For a Sales representatives ,wholesale & manufacturing