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Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia Feb 27 2075 views

What should I do as a freshman in high schooler who intends to major in marketing with the ultimate goal of doing sports marketing?

I already am involved in my school's DECA classes & club; as well as running socials for a local sports team, as well as my own & I am working on getting an internship.

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Feb 16, 2024 3888 views

What can I do with a Communication Studies degree and Marketing minor?

I am interested in social media marketing and am wondering how to get started in the field ?

Diego’s Avatar
Diego Mar 14, 2023 577 views

How do I get the most out of being a Wholesale & Retail Buyers?

Thank you for your answers

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Mar 06, 2023 573 views

What tools are a must when starting an online business ?

I want to start an online business, and I wanted to know the certain tools to make my life a little bit easier.

Xzaevia’s Avatar
Xzaevia Nov 29, 2022 888 views

How do I start an in/exterior design/real-estate company that can one day turn into a global influential brand?

Hi! My name is Xzaevia! I have a BA in Community Development and Design for Social Impact. I want to create something in this world that combines aesthetics, functionality and social impact.

Jake’s Avatar
Jake Dec 08, 2022 724 views

What kind of materials should our commercial insurance brokers be using?

We have a team of commercial sales brokers that are trying to hit increasingly higher sales targets. If you were running a business, or operating the purchasing, what kind of materials would be influential to you? Brochures? Realtor style folders? Referral programs? SWAG? I'm hoping to give...

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Nov 02, 2022 742 views

Careers working with advertising on social media?

I would like to learn about careers in the communication major or field and especially about social media.

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Apr 26, 2022 900 views

who long does it take to be a Search Marketing Strategists? what classes do I have to take to be a Search Marketing Strategists? what other careers are related to Search Marketing Strategists? how much does being a Search Marketing Strategists cost? what college is best for me?

who long does it take to be a Search Marketing Strategists?
what classes do I have to take to be a Search Marketing Strategists?
what other careers are related to Search Marketing Strategists?
how much does being a Search Marketing Strategists cost?
what college is best for me?