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James Constantine Frangos’s Avatar

James Constantine Frangos

Consultant Dietitian-Nutritionist & Software Developer since 1972 🡆 Optimization Of Human Performance: jim.frangos@gmail
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
6807 Answers
6754085 Reads
4330 Karma


Civic Duty
Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian Oct 28, 2023 1203 views

Jobs for highschoolers?

What are the best jobs for a highschooler student that has good hours and good pay.

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Oct 25, 2023 2274 views

What would you recommend to someone who wants to study graphic design Like what can I expect in classes and what do I need to know/ understand before I start college (Do I need to learn to draw and paint and all that?)?

I'm not the best in drawing or painting, I just feel like I'm a creative person and with the right practice I can do what I imagine

Clarisa’s Avatar
Clarisa Oct 05, 2023 2250 views

Should you do more work than you are assigned to?

Not work that you are not qualified to do but extra work to help out the company. In your experience has that extra work paid off?

Paola’s Avatar
Paola Oct 27, 2023 2181 views

Why is it important to go to school ?

What if schools not for everyone.

Cathrine’s Avatar
Cathrine Oct 26, 2023 371 views

What is it like being a traveling nurse?

What is it like being a traveling nurse? What is the schedule like? Are your coworkers nice and do you infect with them a lot? Is it fun meeting the new people you help?

Jaeden’s Avatar
Jaeden Oct 27, 2023 969 views

How do you stay motivated throughout college?

- college freshman

ginna’s Avatar
ginna Oct 22, 2023 2717 views

What are some solid extracurriculars for medical?

I am currently a sophomore in highschool and I am wondering what are some solid extracurriculars that revolve around medical? I am currently in the IB programme and trying to maintain high grades, but I don’t think my grades solely will be able to get me into a good university. Another question...

amir’s Avatar
amir May 10, 2023 1797 views

How would you describe the pros and cons of being an architect?

I'm Amir and I'm 17

Klara’s Avatar
Klara Sep 10, 2023 968 views

How would I get noticed by professors, specifically of larger universities?

I’m looking to get accepted into the Ivy League specifically in anesthesiology, I know that this is a very difficult field, but I think that if I work my very hardest and pay attention I can reach the goal.

Daisy’s Avatar
Daisy Oct 27, 2023 1003 views

What skills does it take to be successful in the 21st century engineering field ?

I would love to be a civil engineer but this generation seems like it is getting more difficult, what do i need to know to be prepared for the future.

Keaton’s Avatar
Keaton Oct 13, 2023 1974 views

What are some colleges that provide good classes on teaching?

If there is a college that provides good classes, what classes are available to take?

Avela’s Avatar
Avela Oct 27, 2023 736 views

How did you get where you are today in your career

What tips do you give young people? What helped influence you

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Oct 27, 2023 1963 views

What's the process towards becoming a good personal trainer?

I'm looking into becoming a personal trainer as soon as I graduate highschool; however, the process to becoming one seems a bit complex for me, especially as someone whose going into it young. I'd greatly appreciate any tips and advice. Thanks!

Melody’s Avatar
Melody May 10, 2023 508 views

How do I become a mechanical engineer?

Other than majoring in mechanical engineering when I go to college. What other steps can I take to become a mechanical engineer?

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Oct 12, 2023 1140 views

What is the best way that I can learn the coding language of C++?

I would like to know the best way to learn C++ because it would be useful to know this coding language in the computer programming career that I would like to pursue.