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James Constantine Frangos’s Avatar

James Constantine Frangos

Consultant Dietitian & Software Developer since 1972 => Nutrition Education => Health & Longevity => Self-Actualization.
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
5864 Answers
4351012 Reads
3772 Karma


Civic Duty
connor’s Avatar
connor Jun 24 601 views

is it possible to make the army a permeant job instead of something ill do for like 20 years i dont really fit well in civilian life so i want to know if i can make the millitary a career instead of just another job ill do in my life?

i dont really like working as a civilian it was boring n mind numbing slow for me n the pay was garbage n i was always treated like the outcast cuz i was the "new guy"

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Jun 25 407 views

What is the difference between nurses who hold an MSN and a DSN? MD?

Firstly, what are some job and pay differences between Nurse Practitioners (MSN) and those who hold a Doctorate of Science in Nursing? Additionally, what are some differences between DSN Nurses and M.D.'s, aside from the large pay gap and title of doctor in a medical setting? Lastly, if one...

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Jun 23 632 views

What high school and community college classes or extracurriculars should I do to prepare for a Psychology PhD and gap year?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting August 2024 and I intend on getting my Psychology undergrad, taking a gap year to travel, then returning to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What classes or...

Merson’s Avatar
Merson Jun 23 405 views

how to determine a good college?

to go after high school

abrianna’s Avatar
abrianna Jun 23 475 views

what are some ways to make sure you pick something that you are passionate about and is their a wrong time to start over #spring23 #spring24

i'm going into 12th grade and I'm asking more how do you know you picked the right thing to study or is their a time to late to swich out of something and start new because i don't wanna go into something thinking it's my life goal and doing it, then hating or wanting to do something else

Ninni’s Avatar
Ninni Jun 22 1416 views

What is the best way to get my photography portfolio out there as a new photographer How do grow my clientele?

I want to start learning how to create a clientele after college. #Spring23

Igor’s Avatar
Igor Jun 13 1176 views

Would a MS Finance help me get work experience with totally unrelated undergrad major?

Hello, I'm a journalism major and I want to pursue investor relations, but most finance jobs require finance degrees, and I'm wondering if a MS would help me get work experience.

aisha’s Avatar
aisha Jun 23 535 views

What is the fastest way to become a nurse?

I am in 11th grade right now. i want to become a nurse as soon as possible. can you explain it step by step? What is BSN, RN? How long does it take minimum to become a nurse?

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Jun 22 520 views

What kind do resources does Texas A&M’s engineering program offer to help students become successful beyond college life?

I am going to be a freshman in college. I am majoring in mechanical engineering at Texas A&M. I am hoping to somehow get an internship but I am not sure how to do so.

Giulia’s Avatar
Giulia Jun 22 418 views

What classes should I take to set myself up for a career in science?

I’m a sophomore and I’m certain I want a career in the science field most likely something to do with genetic variations.

Camari’s Avatar
Camari Jun 22 468 views

How do I find jobs/internships in my preferred career path (interior design), ? What class should I take in college to go along with interior design being my major? Why is this a good long term career choice?

9th grade I was in Principles of Architecture, 10th- Graphic Design, and 11th/12th- Interior Design 1 & 2. I have the knowledge, but getting the experience hasn’t been easy.

Purpose’s Avatar
Purpose Jun 22 635 views

What steps am I to take in order to become very good at identifying my potentials or that of others and also become a smart Content Creator?

An upcoming content Creator

Mario’s Avatar
Mario Jun 22 740 views

what is the best way to learn business mangement stratetgy?

what is the best way to learn business mangement stratetgy tips?

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Jun 22 807 views

How do I open an orphanage ?

Hello I’m a 20 year old college student and I wanted to know what steps to take to open an orphanage? I want to start planing know and saving money now

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Jun 21 617 views

Does it just come to you on what you want to do with the rest of you life like deciding at 17 what major to spend money on and where may I ask how you came to that decision ?

I know I would like to help people and have a passion for that but I am not certain how to proceed with that. I am on the human service pathway at my school right now and may be interested in teaching , child life specialist , occupational therapy and am willing to explore anything !